Year: <span>2010</span>

Meow Meow Meow

Me, but mostly kitties. Mr. Teatime (Maine Coon rescue) We adopted him when we thought it would be awhile before we managed to get pregnant. We brought him home and I got knocked up. Bartleby (Siamese) is my boyo, my devoted shadow and sweet guy.  We sometimes call them Skipper …

Just Write!

Ok, here goes. The other day, A post I read at Mental Mosaic , written by the effervescent Tui Cameron, got me thinking. And this is a BIG circle so bear with me. I noticed that all my writing projects—in school, jobs or personally have 3 distinct points on the …

Testing Windows live writer

As much as I don’t want to get any more involved in microsoftlandia than I already am (yes yes I know, I’m an MCSE, but I see all the shortcomings… well Blogdesk doesn’t deal with tags so well and I’m trying to see if this will. J and I are …

It’s a Mad World

Do you have a song that just cuts you to the quick? I have a few. For various reasons. I’ll give you, oh three here. The first one is the Donni Darko version of Mad World (originally written by Tears for Fears). When I hear this I am automatically transported …

Do Overs

Have you ever wanted a Do Over? Some time in your life– either a pivotal moment or a series of events that might have been turned around that you’d just like to roll back. I have some of those. But I wonder, how far can you go with that and …

Sing a Song

Let’s see if I can get this to work. A small vid of the Bean from my iphone Dark, but cute. I wonder if two will work. If this one doesn’t give you pause, I suspect you might be missing some important human attribute.   yay, I figured it out. …

Untold Suffering seldom is…somebody said that

I’m very tired and my leg hurts a lot. I’m getting tired of the subject though. Small things. The Bean and I both really like Monster High Dolls. I was inordinately happy to tell her about Cat Town. She reads an episode or two a night. The theme song from …

This used to be a mommy blog

And it still is because while I am many things–geek, reader, cat lover, wife–on the day the Bean was born, Mother became my chief identifier. I have always been independant. I’ve often gone my own way, usually uniquely attired. I didn’t just march to a different drummer, but a different …

Babbage the Basement Cat

Babbage Basement Cat Originally uploaded by jyllianm Just sharing this picture of Babbage our youngest. He is a fierce hunter. Every so often a field mouse gets in and either Babbage or Haru become mighty hunters and slay them mightily. This was the latest victim. I am considering giving up …

we can rebuild her, we have the technology!

I’m going to try and rebuild my laptop. It’s barely creeping by. I noticed on ebay, as I was looking for more memory, that the Dell xps m140s are being resold for between $50 and $200. I have to keep it going for another six months though. Have to get …

Dislocated ankle or what I did today

Dislocated ankle or what I did today Originally uploaded by jyllianm So after the pain killers kicked in I thought, well at least I’ll have something to write about tonight since it’s been kinda boring. Well I was headed to work today and…well in the last two or so days, …