Month: <span>November 2011</span>

I did it! Nablopomo 30 posts in 30 days

Once again all the way through to the end. I have a lot going on today so I want to get this up here and maybe come back and edit it later or add a new entry. But that is 30 in 30. With Fangsgiving AND illness AND power outages …

oh I don’t know –Random Pinging with haiku

I’m just herping and derping around. I’ve messing with my blog plugins. Wondering if I need to change the theme, considering learning how to write a wordpress theme. Except I really like the Steampunk feel to it. I’m thinking about all the things I need to do around the house …

When chill November’s surly blast make fields and forest bare. ~Robert Burns

What is it about November?  I can barely stand to read over the previous year’s entries. I’ve been doing Nablopomo since the beginning and it seems each November there is some enormous decision, or some huge situation that demands attention. Inn 2006 things got crazy in the Bean’s preschool and …

Staggering through to tomorrow

Whole family is feeling ill. Different people for different reasons. Mr. J is having allergies. The Bean is having either allergies or a cold we can’t tell quite yet. I am having a reaction to getting some MSG (I don’t have a small reaction to it, I have ended up …

A conclusion is the place where you get tired of thinking. Arthur Bloch

It’s one of those days. Days I’m just too tired. I can’t think of what to write, so I’m going to do that thing that I learned to do with kids… I might send them to One Word and get them thinking about one word and writing about it for …

Fangsgiving at the House on Haunted Hill

I cooked for a few hours yesterday and for a few today. I cracked the whip for cleaning and we were eating by almost 5. It wasn’t the most hilarious Fangsgiving we’ve had—some years are more subdued than others—but it was good eats and family. I swear by Alton Brown’s …

Cleanliness is next to impossible!

  Better get this up there quick. Getting down to the wire because I/we’ve been cleaning and cooking all day. I swear that child walks around the house with jam on her hands and arms akimbo making a kids high streak around the entire house. Thank god for magic erasers. …

Goodnight, Anne McCaffrey

            You see pretty with the heart, not with the eyes.–Nuella Dear Anne– I think I wrote you when I was a child. I hope I did. You and a few others helped me make it through a childhood… A childhood I’ve made up for …

You can’t be truly rude until you understand good manners. Rita Mae Brown

Could you please explain to me why it is ok for adults to act in ways they would punish their kids grandkids students   for?   Why is it not ok to talk over, to interrupt when someone else is talking unless YOU are doing the interrupting. Why is that …

Still here, with cranberries

  Have some things going on that are getting in the way of doing more writing tonight.   Gearing up for the big clean and cook this week, but first have to teach some professional dev classes and finish up a couple of projects. I’m really looking forward to a …

And Memories Fade

Sometimes there are moments there are songs. Things that make you feel  something. And  you hear a song. It’s odd how much that song encapsulates everything that you were and everything that you are in your secret heart. I got together with two friends that hadn’t seen each other in …

In starlit nights I saw you So cruelly you kissed me Your lips a magic world Your sky all hung with jewels ~Echo and the Bunnymen

The prompt for the 17th, which is not today, but which I decided to do today, because I’m like that is: Make a list of everyone you’ve ever had a crush on in your life, then choose one from the list and describe him or her in great detail. (Guest …

More than a Movie

Came home bummed again. Yes this is a refrain. I’m not sure if it is just needing the break or something more. I think it might be something more. J suggested we go to dinner and see Puss in Boots. We all love the crazy kitty with Antonio Banderas’ voice …

Whiskers on Kittens

it’s Monday and I’m disheartened, so I’m going to show you a few of my favorite things.   Dr. Steel. I’ve come across him off and on over the last few years, but I’m saddened to know he isn’t doing his show any longer.   And I love Steampunk, an  …

The Things We Keep.

it’s funny the things we keep. The things we keep for ourselves, the things we keep for our children, or in our case child. The things we keep for each other. My mother kept my baby ring. What a funny thing to have.  I understand a baby cup, I guess …