Year: <span>2011</span>

It’s easy to cry "bug" when the truth is that you’ve got a complex system and sometimes it takes a while to get all the components to co-exist peacefully. ~Doug Vargas

Well I have to weigh in.  I have great hopes for google +. The interface is cleaner, the privacy controls are MUCH better and while there are things to work out (that’s why it is a Beta folks!) it is relatively fully formed from the get go.  I understand why …

I cannot take any more; I’m so glad that I’ll never fit in; That will never be me; Outcasts and girls with ambition; That’s what I wanna see — Pink from the song Stupid Girls

So some of the crazy girl shit has started. One girl lies about something my daughter said (but she didn’t) to another girl and then they tell another and suddenly she’s ganged up on. Or instead of saying oops a girl blames the Bean for her mistake. And how about …

It’s not late, but I’m tired

and I have another migraine. I’m just here to say, I posted. And I’m always happy to write about my kidlet. Here is a recent pic from Bean’s GT class. When other kids got shy, she volunteered to speak first. She tells me she doesn’t even get nervous before she …

Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to~John Ed Pearce

Well then, I almost forgot to write this. I guess I should do it before think about it too much to make any sense. I was thinking and talking tonight to my friend L about how friendships change. And this is probably a deeper subject than I’m capable of dealing …

Only you beneath the moon or under the sun~Cole Porter

I’m not sure I can post anything even vaguely coherent tonight because…because…   Max Raabe und das Palast Orchester spielen in Austin Texas im Februar !!! And dammit we are going. We ARE going!!James is going to buy a suit  or maybe he should rent a tux?! and I’m going …

A man loves the meat in his youth that he cannot endure in his age. Shakespeare

I clean and organized lots in the kitchen today. I did massive amounts of paperwork. Also I made the MOST AMAZING coconut milk, chocolate, cinnamon ice cream, Used a little bit of honey, quite a bit of erythritol and some Watson’s double vanilla. Voila—tastes much like Mitchell’s Mexican Chocolate ice …

It was a typical net.exercise – a screaming mob pounding on a greasy spot on the pavement, where used to lie the carcass of a dead horse. ~Unknown

I’m not actually sure how the Non November Nablopomo works. Do I have to follow the theme of “Swim”, respond to the prompts as in Reverb 10 or can I still write whatever on those days I need to write whatever? Have you ever had one of those days where …

It’s late, we blew things up and I made a movie

  That’s all for tonight folks. We didn’t swim today because we think the pool was closed. Didn’t look too closely though. Tomorrow will be swimming and sunburning likely.

It’s a good idea to begin at the bottom in everything except in learning to swim. ~Author Unknown

I’m  in a place where I’m very tired. I’m hoping to come out of that place soon. I feel like I’ve got more to do than time and that I just want to stop doing everything for about a week, or a month.  It feels like I’m swimming through soup, …

a moment of good friends made that and also this     because I’m swimming on how to deal with people in my    home. And how and who to be friends with. Treading water I guess. going to try nablopomo this month. Well why not? It helps me to get writing again.   …

The highest reward for a man’s toil is not what he gets for it but what he becomes by it. John Ruskin

  I’m not going to look at the gaps over the last month or so. I keep saying it but it has been a rough year. What are the most important things to you about your job? Is it your pay? Respect? Perks? That what you do matters? I’m having …

It is a cart if it goes well, otherwise it is but timber ~Hindi Proverb

  I’ve had my first really ‘feels like I’m finally on break’  day.  Got J and the Bean up but both of them were still so sunburned from their accident on the lake (boat broke down, sunscreen didn’t work) they were tired and couldn’t go to work and GT camp …

Protected: Of all God’s creatures there is only one that cannot be made the slave of the leash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve man, but it would deteriorate the cat. – Mark Twain

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

You did then what you knew how to do, And when you knew better, You did better. Maya Angelou

I have eleventy blog posts in the back of my mind but I haven’t had time or energy to get to them. the last 30 days of the school year (not say the month of may—school is going into June this year). We’re all burnt, we’re all tired. I have …