Year: <span>2011</span>

And I feel the way that every child should /Sit and listen, sit and listen /Went to school and I was very nervous /No one knew me, no one knew me ~Mad World, Tears for Fears

Are you socially inept? I am. Well I can be.  Very much. I have improved a lot on my once crippling social anxiety. I have no problems at work anymore—that was mostly the fall out from a horrible marriage and a painful end to a good relationship (that followed the …

These violent delights have violent ends. ~William Shakespeare

I am so deeply saddened by the attempted assassination of Gabrielle Giffords, the murder of her staff members, a federal judge and a nine year old girl. The little girl, just about Bean’s age was interested in politics. My mother used to take me to all sorts of political events …

Erstwhile Dancefloor Revolution

I’m thinking of flipping the name for my blog. I’ve had one or another T.S. Eliot quotes for awhile. The one before this was Sprawling on a Pin from Prufrock, one of my early favorites (what kind of  a weird teenager likes Prufrock?) Oh look I’ve still got an old …

New Year’s Day: Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual. ~Mark Twain

Well it isn’t quite New Year’s day but we had some family stuff going on that precluded writing. I am relieved that 61 straight days of blogging is over. I’m glad I did it. I made more connections out of #Reverb10 after a bumpy start. I really enjoyed the people …