Month: <span>April 2012</span>

Japanophila is that which is J

I haven’t written yet about our Bean, but I want to. No this is not B for Bean or even E for Emily (what we call her when we are not able to call her Bean). This may just be the place. I’m not quite sure how it happened. When …

I is for Inumbrate <–How do you say it? This is a word I think I’m going to bring back Meaning to shade or darken. Here’s a good example:       Oh this word makes me miss my gothgirl days, for THAT would have been a word to be used as a …

H, being Hypodynamia

I am experiencing a loss of strength in several places in my life.  This is a word you can use literally, to mean what is basically the disease of modern life-being sedentary. Or you can use it more metaphorically.       Yep that is happening. It started when I …

G is for Gloaming

I was very young when I saw this on TV one night and then have watched it every time it’s come on since. I’m a sucker for old movies, especially musicals–especially Gene Kelly (who reminds me of my Dad) and Fred Astaire (who is just debonaire) I remember going to …

F is for fardel

; C’mon it’s Friday. You’ve felt it right? Is it the dishes? Is it the trash? Perhaps the laundry?Now you have a word for it, FARDAL. anything cumbersome or irksome. There’s no link for the pronunciation because it sounds a lot like fart with a d instead of T– which …

E is for EEK!

Ok, this is going to be just a bit silly. I had an exceedingly difficult day and then came home and did too many chores. So while I was perusing my list of interesting words I figured something out about E. E reminds me of Halloween and horror movies. Why? …

D is for Dudgeon (and Determination)

Tonight I’m not so terribly inspired to say much. I’m still fighting B for back pain, though it is improving. I’m getting ready to put up an ad on our local craig’s list for a trainer, I think I need one to get me going –and someone who can keep …

C is for Charientism

Ok, the collective term for cats is clowder. I just had to say that. Clowder of cats. not a herd but a clowder. Guess that’s like a mope of goths or a stomp of rivets.   That said Today’s word is Charientism <–click on it to hear the pronunciation. I …

B is for Bibliophagist

Bibliophagist: One who devours books, literally or figuratively. <–How to pronounce. I read. A lot and very fast. I started reading at about 4 and I never stopped. I read so fast I have to make myself slow down sometimes to savor a very good read. Like  The Wool …

A is for Ailurophile : The Story of Buzzy the Persian Buffalo

Hello I’m Jyllian and I’m a cataholic–or more properly an Ailurophile. I’ve loved cats for as long as I can remember. I like dogs too, they are nice but cats have always been my favorite animal. They are independent and very much themselves–which makes it meaningful (at least to me) …