Month: <span>May 2012</span>

Selfishly unselfish

So how do you teach your child to be unselfish? And how unselfish should s/he be? Honestly this isn’t an unselfish society. We are all looking for more status, more money more power—so how do you raise your kids to think of others. When really? That isn’t what life in …

Anyone who doesn’t take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either.~Albert Einstein

It’s been awhile. I go from talking every day to saying nearly nothing. Its been a rough few weeks for me. I’ve been ill, which hasn’t helped my general outlook. I’ve also been having a really difficult time determining where the truth is about some really important things. It’s very …

Adversity is the first path to truth. ~Lord Byron

I keep coming up against this question. When is enough, enough? When is it time to give up the ghost, throw in the towel, call the game on account of rain? I’m not going to be nearly as poetic here as I was when I faced this question just a …

Alphabetical Observation

I’ve done a few blogging challenges with varying degrees of success. I have always succeeded at November nablopomo, though not at any other month. I also succeeded at reverb10. I did not however, succeed at whatever reverb 11 was (it was too fractured for me, no one place to connect …