Year: <span>2014</span>

Home is where your family is

Project Reverb Prompt: Home: Tell us about what home meant to you this year. Are you a homebody? Did you do a renovation? Move? Redecorate? We have taken down many of our paintings, our sculptures. Much of the personality in our home is being removed day by day. We are …

Never means 2 weeks

Project Reverb prompt: “What did you think you’d NEVER do. But you did this year. Why? What changed your mind?” Someone told me a long time ago that never means two weeks. So I try not to say never.  I do see some things have ended but I haven’t said that …

Revisiting Letting Go

Day 21 Project Reverb prompt: “What did you get rid of this year?  Physical things you tossed out or donated?  Or did you purge a bad relationship, job, etc…?” I’ve let go of a couple of relationships this year. Ones that never did become what they needed to become. I held …

Somewhat Joyful Discoveries

Day 20 Project Reverb prompt: “What products have you discovered this year that you love?  Tell us all about them, and why you love them.” I really like the shirts from SighCo. J had a very Cthulhu Christmas. And these GreenForest baskets have been very cute for organizing. Other than …

Wrestling with Symbolism

Day 19 Project Reverb prompt: “What did you wrestle with in 2014?  What did you learn?  What challenges do you foresee in 2015?” I love how these keep circling back, as if to drive the point home. This is a way to recognize how not to repeat the same painful …

Enlightened Nourishment

Day 18 Project Reverb prompt: “Did you have an “ah ha” moment this year? Was it a big one? Or just a small enlightenment?” Dammit, I had a long one written and it was eaten. It was a series of ahas. 1. This is how I look. It is not …

A Moment as her Mother

I picked Em up from school yesterday and as usual, we talked about her day. It’s tough to concentrate when she doesn’t feel well, but she really tried and wanted to, she told me. I told her how happy I was to see her. She said “really Mom? you say …

Manifesting Significance

Day 16 Project Reverb prompt: “There’s the old saying that a photo is worth 1,000 words.  Give us a photo with that impact that sums up some significant event of your 2014, or give us 1,000 words about a pivotal moment in 2014.” I do not have the time for …

Don’t Feed Them After Midnight

Day 15 Project Reverb prompt: “What food did you discover this year? Or maybe you discovered a new way to prepare your favorite food. Or a new cookbook. Or a new restaurant. Tell us about your culinary adventures.” It’s been the year of kicking and screaming towards gluten free. I …

The Rooted Word

Project Reverb prompt: “What one word could describe your 2014?” My word for 2014:  I think it would be summed up as improve.  And I did and didn’t. I did do better about exercising until I was injured. I have improved the food we eat. I am coming to terms with …

Brave writings

Project Reverb prompt: “Chances are, if you’re participating in #reverb it’s because you like writing. Or at least want to like writing. Writing is like a muscle. Use it or lose it. What do you do every day to hone your craft? Or, what would you like to do each day …

Dear Future self

Project Reverb prompt: “Write a letter to your future self, telling the future you about what you hope for you.” Reverb14 prompt: “It all starts with kindness. Everything I have learnt, everyone I have interviewed, every word I have studied has guided me to this simple but profound conclusion: true happiness begins …

small pleasures , tiny rituals

Project Reverb prompt: “What small pleasures did you discover this year?” Very soft warm house slippers. Very soft warm plush blankets, covered in cats. That I have a child that still holds my hand and hugs me tight (though that is a great pleasure).  Finally noodling out how to do something …

Leaping into the holidays

Project Reverb prompt: “What decision did you make this year that was a leap of faith? Did it work out? Or not?” It is still in process. We made the decision to move from our home of 9 years across the country. Better for J’s job, better for E to have …

Witnessing Self

Project Reverb prompt: “It has been said that you must learn to take care of yourself before you can be effective at taking care of others. How did you take care of yourself in 2014? How will you take care of yourself in 2015?” I am learning to speak up when …

Connected Heroes

Project Reverb prompt: “Who was your hero this year? Tell us why. What makes a hero in your eyes?” It hasn’t been an uplifting year. The closest I can get is Rachel Maddow and Elizabeth Warren. They speak up for students, for the disappearing middle class, for the disenfranchised and the …