Year: <span>2014</span>

Achievements unlocked: Selfie

Project Reverb prompt: “Victory Laps: What was your biggest accomplishment this year?” Oh, ouch. Well there was something, but that just came to a screeching, grinding halt filled with goo. So….  I learned a lot. A huge amount. I stuck with some things, possibly when I shouldn’t, but I did get …

Unpleasant Words and Money Spent

Project Reverb prompt: “Where did you spend your money this year?  Did you save it instead?  What, if anything, would you like to do with your finances this year?” Did better at saving. It went into vacations, kid’s school, home improvement and volunteering. Next year it will be home improvement, …

My voice letting go

IProject Reverb prompt: Letting go: For next year, I’m letting go of Anger and being taken advantage of. Walking on eggshells. I have started speaking up for myself, but didn’t reckon on just how that wasn’t going to go over well sometimes. But it isn’t. Actions have consequences however, and …

The Lightening Rod of Hindsight

Project Reverb prompt: “Do Over: Hindsight is the one thing we never benefit from in the present.  Is there one moment you wish that you could do-over?” Oh..this is , sadly apropos. I would do over something recent. I would wait longer to say everything I’ve said. I wasn’t wrong, but my …

In the place where you are

Project Reverb prompt: “What didn’t you do this year because you were too scared, afraid, unsure? Are you going to do it next year? Or maybe you don’t want to anymore?” This year has not been the year for that as much. I have actually jumped in with all four feet …

Beautiful Regret

The Goal is to be caught up by Sunday. Stay with me! Reverb14 Prompt: “What unfinished projects from 2014 are you willing to release now? (Regret not required.)” Our House. We have to move out of state and even though we will miss our ‘big red house’  as Em called it …

Begin at the very beginning and I’m going to try this again this year. I’m behind because this has been an absolutely horrid horrid week.  I’m not ready to talk about that yet. But… Where was I at the beginning of 2014? New into being employed doing something I really enjoy. New at …

Not What Should be, What Is

We are going through every single thing that has come into our possession, over the years of our daughter’s life, our married life and what we carried with us into that partnership. All along I’ve been pretty good at going through general things and tossing out what wasn’t working or …

Almost but Never Babies

I have had a hard time letting go of some of my daughter’s things from her baby and toddlerhood. I’ve kept so much –filed away school papers, accident reports from Montessori and Community PreSchool, little scribbles that look kind of like happy dust mites. It’s been so very hard to look …

There’s got to be a pony in here somewhere!

From the old joke about two kids, one with a room full of the most amazing new toys and another with a room full of manure. The first kid is crying bitterly surrounded by a pile of  new gadgets and games…. Why are you crying?” the father asked. “Because my …

Today’s post brought to you by the letters E, M and O

Oh the mope. I am freaked about moving. So much to do and the house is so messy. And the mounds of things to do look insurmountable. I know the solution is just to keep moving forward a bit at a time. It’s been slowed by that flu turning into …

And so it begins…

My heart is a little tender tonight. I’ve just begun the packing process and aside from finding enough boxes for all those books and spooky dolls and Romulan Ale (thank you Kathy) there’s also the need to let go of things.  Things and stuff. I have the memories so the …

I know better now “Perfect World” Oh, London Moon, help me stumble home Let me lose myself along the way I’ve got nothing left, it’s kind of wonderful Cause there’s nothing they can take away… away The open doors left me wanting more Never thought they’d close them all the way The ordinary …

Your cycle continues, mine does not.

What you don’t know? There is *so* much you don’t know. It is all about the money. Every bit of this is about your money. How sad. How…ugly. And now you have engineered a repeat of what happened those many years ago, when you stood at that woman’s grave. It’s …

That glib and oily art

King of France. This is most strange, That she that even but now was your best object, The argument of your praise, balm of your age, Most best, most dearest, should in this trice of time {235} Commit a thing so monstrous to dismantle So many folds of favour. Sure …

I’m afraid the experiment was a failure

I don’t think I’ll catch up now. There was too much going on this month. A big birthday for our kiddo, J and I changing around everything we eat, me discovering once and for all I really do have a vicious problem with gluten/wheat , going ass over teakettle down …