Month: <span>April 2015</span>

Sweet Bean you are 13

At some point this week our wonderful girl is going to turn 13. 13. I never understood when grownups said that time actually moves so fast since the time between 2:45 and 3:00 pm seemed to take hours.  But looking through her baby pictures and home movies I feel like …

Want, wish, make

Hey aren’t you supposed to keep your wishes secret or they won’t come true? No matter, I have a few and I’ll think of this as manifesting instead. And asking the universe and/or the powers that be to send some of these good things my way (all the while working …

lucky rocketship underpants

April Moon, Day 14. When I started thinking about this one, I felt like I couldn’t do it. Somedays, as Calvin said to Hobbes, even my lucky rocketship underpants don’t help. The last few years have been hard. I keep a good face in public but that is about as far …

A fight for breath, an ache for home

April Moon, Day 13 Oh so many things… I wonder if I will ever be done with this moving process. I started early to make it easier on every one and myself–just to do a little each day. But that means I’ve been working on this for 8 months.That’s a …

Seal up your lips and give no words but mum.

Well that’s kind of an ironic topic for me. I’ve been keeping a journal online since the 90s. Not all of it is still up, and some is locked behind passwords . I was a confessional poet when I was a poet and I’m more than a bit of a …

Barely boiling water

April Moon, Day 10 Ah the kitchen, center of the home, place of sustenance and creativity. It wasn’t always that way. My Dad liked to cook I think. My mother hated it. I didn’t know how. When I moved out I could barely boil water. Several lovely men taught me …

Short Sharp Shock

April Moon Day 9 Well that’s interesting. I was diagnosed with PTSD in the 90s. When I don’t have more than normal stress I can manage pretty well. Phones ringing can still make me jump. I’m not good with sudden sharp noises but when things are good my heart doesn’t …

cats, cups, shoes

April Moon, Day 8 cats…But I swear to god I’m not a cat hoarder! I was trying to find a good flickr embed plugin, but haven’t yet….so here are those cats! I also like funny coffee mugs. Geeky and with cats! And commemorative glassware! Surprised? And shoes.  Boots and converse …

Once more with feeling

April Moon Day 7 I’m working my way out from under a serious load–of a reoccurrence of the PTSD…or (and I hate this word) a triggering of it..or however you put that. Many months of painting and improving and packing and slowly taking our leave. 2 years of estrangements. Some …

It’s not the thunder, it’s the wind

April Moon Day 6 One thing I won’t miss about Arkansas are the storms. I remember when we used to have rain, now it seems all we have are deluges. Thunder makes me jump, but strangely,although I run around the house unplugging all our computers (or ask J to do …

Music heard so deeply that it is not heard at all

April Moon Day 5 You are the Music, while the music lasts. My favorite Eliot quote. It is now the subtitle of my blog, but it used to be the title. I changed it because I felt myself growing older and stepping away from the dance floor.  The name of …

Relax, go to it

(April Moon 15, day 4)Right now as the house is on the market…nope not now. Last month as we pushed through the major painting, fixing and re-arranging to list the house–nope not then. The previous several months as I packed and cleaned and re-arranged–not really. The last 10 months as …

The Bean

(April Moon 15, day 3)I’ve done a number of things in my life–built networks from the ground up, written a book of (bad) poetry (only published in zines), built websites from vague words and three pictures into powerhouses of attraction. I’ve written a thesis on the application of the semiotics …

A decade wiser

(April Moon 15, day 2) Well then… this is interesting. 10 years ago we were preparing to move to Fayetteville. There have been some days I  have thought that this was a mistake. Friends warned me I would be returning to the source of unhappiness for validation. And yes, that did …

The end of the chapter but not the book

(April Moon 15, day 1)This is a particularly difficult time for me/for our family  right now. We have been packing and fixing and painting to move from our house of nearly 10 years. There are some personal things as well I’m just not fully able to talk about yet. This …