A little rain must fall

A little rain must fall

I didn’t get the numbers, I never do. I get rattled and forget to ask. I’ll ask on Monday.

But they called back with some results from the hcg/progesterone blood tests . HCG is perfect. Progesterone is “a little low” Not “really low,” but I start supplementing today. Previously I’ve been told by my doctors I’m on the low side hormonally anyway.
And it doesn’t spell doom. Not always, maybe not this time. HOpefully not this time. They saw a sac and something in there, they did. They said I should be happy. I hope we weren’t too late with adding the progesterone (pill of Evil).

So I guess I’m back on this roller coaster. I’m hanging on to good thoughts though. Really hanging on.

I guess it’s good that we retested (I asked for it). My levels were normal re progesterone a month ago and hcg on the low normal side. Now it’s hcg that’s normal and progesterone that’s low. But not low enough to go to injections or anything, so that’s good I guess.

Ahhhhh If this comes out alright, will this baby ever get an earful in its teenage years!