Author: <span>Jyllian M</span>

The electric things have their life too. Paltry as those lives are.~ Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep

From the time I was small I was fascinated by the ballerinas atop music boxes. I was sure that at night the small pink one would wake and dance her way across my room. I thought they met, somewhere secret with all the other small ballerinas and tiny walking toys …

What’s this? I don’t even

Right now, that is my favorite thing to say. I’m constantly shocked by well, everything. Which is strange considering my background. I’ve seen frightening things, dared myself to the edge of the roof, nearly thought I could fly a few times I am shocked by cruelty, when we were taught …

“their heart grew cold they let their wings down” ― Sappho

As happens every year, I’ve got a sinus problem. It went from 75 degrees to 40 literally over night and the whole family was plunged into various types of illness. This year has been the year of stomach problems as much as last year was the one of respiratory ones. …

It is not a fragrant world. Raymond Chandler

Well I’m showing up once more. I’ll do this experiment (and lather rinse repeat) of beginning to write and finding what comes out. To get back in the habit of writing. It’s been a rough day. I accomplished a few things, had some difficulties and battled either an allergy or …

To Nablopomo or not to Nablopomo

I thought that while I was thinking about whether or not to join nablopmo this year—I’ve been doing it since the beginning—at least every November—I should get something up here just in case. On the pro side, I’ve done it every year and it does give a feeling of accomplishment. …

Shadows of a thousand years rise again unseen, Voices whisper in the trees, "Tonight is Halloween!" – – – Dexter Kozen

Hopefully I’ll have a bit more to say tomorrow, but for tonight—we haunted the neighborhood after having a lovely day—1/2 spent enjoying our anniversary with my husband, the other half enjoying getting dressed up with our daughter. We were running slow because J is getting over a bad stomach virus. …

From ghoulish and ghosties and long leggety beasties and things that go bump in the night, Good Lord, deliver us! – – – Scottish saying

The Bean’s Halloween Party Usually we have a big Halloween party with lots of kids and adults. This year we decided to try something different and have a party with the Bean’s favorite girls . We had spooky cupcakes with bloody sprite punch and bones, they all got to carve …

Halloweeniversary Present

So if you actually know me or have read me any time at all you’ll know I got married to my wonderful Mr. J on Halloween 11 years ago. I found what I wanted to get him at the Clothesline Faire in Prairie Grove a month or so back. It’s …

We think we’re pretty smart…

Oh I’m taking a break from the Halloween Countdown—and I’ve had to because it was yet another exhausting week at work. I hope THAT gets better soon. I can’t decide if  I love it or not. I know I don’t like office politics. But I love the work, I love …

why I love the internet

Sometimes you meet people online and you find out things about them from their blogs, or twitter or email lists. And you like them. Sometimes you might never meet those folks in the flesh—but you can know them for years. I have quite a few folks like that back from …

Music is moonlight in the gloomy night of life. Jean Paul

  And now for something (a little) different. Started thinking about Halloween music tonight. Because if I hear “The Monster Mash” one more damn time I’m going to find a cleaver and pay a visit to whatever sound system is playing it. Ahem. Really. I DESPISE that song. So what …

"Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble." — Shakespeare

Actually finished this yesterday but we we SO tired from our weekend of cleaning and decorating that we all just fell over. Today we made our (probably) last trip to the Spirit Store until after Halloween. That makes um…four. They had a 25% of coupon so we scored a replacement …

"There is nothing funny about Halloween. This sarcastic festival reflects, rather, an infernal demand for revenge by children on the adult world." –Jean Baudrillard

Hmmm maybe that’s why we love it so much. All that arrested development and stuff.  We don’t go in for the cutesy aspect, nope. But we haven’t gone fully as creepy as we want to because of the Bean’s age and her friends. They love coming over for Halloween and …

Mason Cooley : Clothes make a statement. Costumes tell a story.

  Well I went by Walmart, just to see if there was anything that needed to be a part of our (ok, let’s just say it—ongoing)Halloween—and while some things looked good at first I only ended up with a skeletal bride and groom—not much really jumped out as I roamed …

What a house. Turns out they’re doing OK, the Malfoy’s. However, the interior decorating leaves a lot to be desired. And needless to say, Voldemort isn’t the greatest houseguest. Tom Felton

So is it just me or is there just not as much cool stuff at Target this year…and last. Don’t get me wrong, I love Target Halloween. Seriously. Not so much the costumes but the home décor—the plates, the cups the serving bowls. And the towels. I think I only …

At first cock-crow the ghosts must go Back to their quiet graves below. ~Theodosia Garrison

This is the first in a series of Halloween posts. I meant to get started earlier, but I can’t seem to get in the groove at work and so have been spending a lot of late nights and extra time working not Halloweening. I’m hoping that is about to change. …

Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend. Albert Camus

Well it is about birthday time. And about time for me to have the mopes. These are both reasonable and not. Why are they—well I had a  ….a childhood. So each year on my birthday I remember things you might see on a made for TV movie. And wonder just …