heavy sigh
I am sad and I would like to stop being that way now. I am ready to move on now. I am ready to start again. The next thing, a new thing. I just need to figure out how.
I am sad and I would like to stop being that way now. I am ready to move on now. I am ready to start again. The next thing, a new thing. I just need to figure out how.
I was up all night keeping the kitty from licking his newly lost possibilities. Have you ever tried to keep a boycat from paying attention to his harbls? Not an easy thing. I don’t know what I can say. I am not sure I’m ready to host Fangsgiving this year. …
Must get newkitty Babbage to the Vet and fixed. He has harbls of DOOM. Babbage came to us from Woodland. When I was student teaching there a kid left him in the yard when she couldn’t bring him in. He was scared and would have been hit by a car. …
I”m sick. From stress. I don’t even want to finish. I don’t even care about the grades. I’m not going back to this. I don’t think I want to be a teacher any longer–the kids were the only plus side of all of it and I don’t believe I want …
With three weeks to go, I’m not going to make it. Not nablopomo, my graduate degree. (redacted) I study hours every night, write lesson plans, work on papers for more than 16 hours each weekend. What this tells me is that (redacted) Well then. I don’t know if I have …
I had a huge long post and it is gone! Where is it?! It uploaded. I’ll see where it went. Thank god I looked in the saved folder and checked the date on blogdesk. For some reason it was set for May 2009, weird. I have no idea. Anyway, posts …
It was an interesting day. That seems like such a tepid way to say well, just about anything. We were able (we = two of my M.A.T. cohort and myself) to see /hear Chris Crutcher (noted author of many, several of them banned, books)to hear some presentations given by other …