lost posts
Not sure where they went. I will look for them and hopfully find them to upload. I published, and poof–all gone.
Not sure where they went. I will look for them and hopfully find them to upload. I published, and poof–all gone.
I don’t know if I’ll get to keep this up and post tomorrow. I’m going to a Curriculum conference. I’m terrified of driving in unknown cities. I hate driving in unknown cities. I’m also at a crossroads for a big decision. This whole thing could have been a massive wrong …
I’m here and very tired. The time change does that sort of thing to all of us. Had a surprise visit from a good friend visiting from Texas. It was good to see her. It is so funny how much we all care about each other and we are so …
I haven’t officially signed up for Nablopomo as I usually do. I’m still not sure if I should. I miss my blog, but I’m so tired at the end of the day. I worked on homework all week. I still have a little more to go. I’m very tired. We …
Dear R; I’m sorry I got so busy with school these last few weeks that I wasn’t a better friend. It was such a big change for us that I had trouble keeping track of everyone and what they needed and what I wanted to give them. I hope the …
I’m going to start with the happy first. I don’t want to start with the sad or I’ll write two lines and stop. It’s been too long since I’ve been here! I’ve been writing in my private journal and writing papers. Lots of papers. I haven’t written papers, well since …
I’m going to post some of my assignments on my blog and on Facebook. There’s quite a lot of writing and it’s good exercise. Callin All Angels The loss of one of my dearest friends, strangely wasn’t on my quick list of watershed moments, but when I stopped to think …
The Day The Devil Laurie Anderson The day the devil comes to getcha you know him by the way he smiles The day the devil comes to getcha He’s a rusty truck with only twenty miles He’s got bad brakes he’s got loose teeth He’s a long way from home …
Has it really been that long since I’ve written anything? Well not really. I wrote beaucoup papers for my class this last semester. Actually I probably, no most assuredly, wrote above and beyond what was required because that’s just how I do things (I refuse to insert “how I roll” …
So though I am loathe to share anything about this journey until success is guaranteed, I feel as if I must. Today I had my interview for the Masters in Teaching program at the UofA. I’ve actually been working towards this for about a year. I started off in the …
I could almost say this is a ‘get off my lawn’ moment but I’m not bothered by kids, I’m bothered with adults. I think maybe kids have a handle on this “internet thing” and “the email,” (as those who have not used it long, which seem to be many in …
WHAT: A Bloggers (Silent) Poetry Reading WHEN: Anytime February 2, 2009 WHERE: Your blog http://branchesup.blogspot.com/2009/01/invitation-to-fourth-annual-brigid-in.html WHY: To celebrate the Feast of Brigid, aka Groundhog Day HOW: Select a poem you like – by a favorite poet or one of your own – to post February 2nd. Feel free to pass …
ice storm_0662Originally uploaded by jyllianm First of all we are OK. NW Arkansas has been declared a disaster area. The worst Ice Storm in the state’s history. We were without power until just now–4 days in a 40 degree house, all of us dressed like bagladies. We slept in coats, …
I know I lived here. I know I had these friends and experiences. I have them all locked in my head. I remember some very very clearly. But there are very few pictures. There are many pictures of my friends, some of them I took, but very few of me. …