Author: <span>Jyllian M</span>

Goodbye little hope

For Phoebe Still A Baby by THE COCTEAU TWINS Little Phoebe Who I’ve never seen Had you asked, I’d be right out And maybe In a good time Phoebe, then I’ll tuck you in How is it (Listen angel) You do (Listen angel) Run along and shine the world (This …

and the descent

Last Ultrasound on Monday not good. The doctor screwed up in telling us things were good. And she was brusque and cold when we went back for the ultrasound that showed her mistake. Adding insult to injury. Tomorrow is another. We expect bad news. I’d be amazed at how much …

A little rain must fall

I didn’t get the numbers, I never do. I get rattled and forget to ask. I’ll ask on Monday. But they called back with some results from the hcg/progesterone blood tests . HCG is perfect. Progesterone is “a little low” Not “really low,” but I start supplementing today. Previously I’ve …

Good news

9 weeks today There was a yolk sack (sac?)and something in it. We’re going back MOnday to use the “good” ultrasound machine. They also made the appointment for my full prenatal visit with all the blood work, counseling and ‘financial’ discussion. I’m guessing if they want to talk money we’re …

Raising them right

So we’re all sitting around the breakfast table this morning (we’re lucky that we usually have breakfast and dinner together) and James and I are talking about Barack Obama. Emily asks who he is and we tell her we’d like to have him for President in 2008. She looks at …


The stomach flu I had concerned the OB. So I’ll be getting an early ultrasound next Monday at a bit over 8 weeks. Throw some positive energy our way. I’d feel better I guess, strangely if I felt worse. I have been nauseous all along and had all the other …

like he said

: I’m SO incredibly sick it’s just sad. And what time is it right now? It’s that time, that plot it on a chart, take your temperature, you have less than 24 hours or maybe it’s tomorrow who knows for sure and I won’t feel any better tomorrow. Isn’t it …


So I did a search on google on my blog name. Why? well various silly reasons, one of them being that I thought Dreamhost was being idiotic again and flapping my website and I wanted to be sure. And for some weird reason I call up the URL of my …

books glorious books

When I feel freaked out, or sick or just out of sorts the best thing in the world is to read. Read like some folks inhale ice cream. This time two or maybe all three things intersected to provide a a couple of days of uninterruped reading. About 800 pages …


I figure I better get this in before I start feeling too sick. I feel better in the mornings usually, or at least more awake. I’ve spent the last two days with a 102 degree fever and did it to myself. I was getting better and decided to go out. …


The things that were said, in jest or not hurt. In my nearly immaculate house (still recovering from Fangsiving) I am eating turkey like a freaking caveman. Tearing it off the bone (oh she who eats only white meat ). And I even gave a call to an girlfriend I …