Author: <span>Jyllian M</span>


The stomach flu I had concerned the OB. So I’ll be getting an early ultrasound next Monday at a bit over 8 weeks. Throw some positive energy our way. I’d feel better I guess, strangely if I felt worse. I have been nauseous all along and had all the other …

Nablopomo fooey and post the third for today

So it’s silly but so far it looks like my site doesn’t show up often on the Nablopomo randomizer. I’ve had a few friends click it at various times and I just don’t show up. Guess I should have named my blog AAAAAAAAA Over here read this. Well, the whole …


The things that were said, in jest or not hurt. In my nearly immaculate house (still recovering from Fangsiving) I am eating turkey like a freaking caveman. Tearing it off the bone (oh she who eats only white meat ). And I even gave a call to an girlfriend I …