Author: <span>Jyllian M</span>

October surprise

I’m scared, really scared about politics again, for the first time since well, last week. I’ve been scared since the Shrub stole the first election. And the truth is coming out about that, but the predominantly conservative mainstream media (it has been disgusting how the media has rolled over for …

The first day of the rest of my month

I suppose it would be utterly lame to sign up for the and not post something on the very first day. We’re babysitting my niece, who is a lovely girl of seven. Emily is excited at her “very second sleepover.” We all stayed home to recover from our now becoming …

On raising a wee feminist or how I learned to live with the Princess Posse (at least two or three of them)

No matter what you do you will never escape them. Even if you raise your child completely without television (and I know some folks like that, but lets just say I disagree–all things in moderation and unless like the idea of your child being a social outcast, it probably better …

At different times a hollow space: A vague story told in Soundtracks

A recent experience has caused me to contemplate the hollow space that must be within everyone but the most simple of us. Smaller at some times than others. More obvious at times and at times more painful. In your teens, the hollow space is that of identity. If you are …

At different times a hollow space: A vague story told in Soundtracks

At different times a hollow space: A vague story told in Soundtracks A recent experience has caused me to contemplate the hollow space that must be within everyone but the most simple of us. Smaller at some times than others. More obvious at times and at times more painful. In …

“Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us” ~Oscar Wilde

Well the entries are getting closer together. The goal for next week is another entry. Or I may have three this weekend and the dam will have broken (I wrote that ‘damn’ which is indicative of my feelings without structured creativity). This actually occurred on my way out of the …

I can’t talk

That’s what it feels like. I note distinct differences in how people communicate in the various places I’ve lived. In San Francisco, everything was exagerrated, overstated and intense. It wasn’t just a “bad date,” it was a “horrific, mind numbing excursion into the underbelly of boredom.” It wasn’t a ” …