I haven’t officially signed up for Nablopomo as I usually do. I’m still not sure if I should. I miss my blog, but I’m so tired at the end of the day.
I worked on homework all week. I still have a little more to go. I’m very tired.
We had our Halloween party last night. And our Halloweeniversary. Nine years. I love him more every day and I didn’t think that was possible.
It was so wonderful to see everyone. I love giving parties but like going to them a little better because I can actually talk to people. I couldn’t do everything I usually do, though I did manage my strawberries and cream hand of glory and the still beating heart of your long lost love. Gary brought cat sick soup and dog biscuits. We had cheese fingers and mummy pizzas from Laura and Caroline. Two amazing cakes (a professional one from Rick’s bakers and a brownie graveyard that was way cool from Lisa) and Kathy and John brought clam chowder. There is still some food left. My soup, while good was very spicy. I think next year I’ll make about half as much soup.
I think everyone understands about school for me. About how important it is *to* me that I do well. I’m not as young as most of the others in the program so I feel like I have to work twice as hard. Luckily some of the real world experience I’ve had helps. I really do miss my friends though. And I miss how much easier it was to just do everyday things–like go to the doctor. I need to go to the dentist too and haven’t been. I need to sleep for about a week too.
I still wonder at times if I’m going to live through this though. It feels like what I imagine Miltary school to feel like–juggling two things that need 100% effort. If you add in James and the Bean, well that makes three.
Ok, back to homework. I’d like to keep a record of the rest of this year, better than I have been. I wish I’d written down every day with S at Woodland but I was overwhelmed. We’ll see…