“My eyes are damp from the words you left
Ringing in my head, when you broke my chest”
~~Youth by Daughter
And today she finally broke it into so many pieces it can’t be put back together again.
Madness need not be all breakdown. It may also be break-through. It is potential liberation and renewal as well as enslavement and existential death.
~R. D. Laing
Reverb Day 6 Looking at the thoughts and patterns that may be holding you back from living the life you want, trace back through the generations of your family and see if your beliefs originated generations ago. In 2016, how can you bring healing to these patterns of thought that …
The Scientist Come up to meet you Tell you I’m sorry You don’t know how lovely you are I had to find you Tell you I need you Tell you I set you apart Tell me your secrets And ask me your questions Oh let’s go back to the start …
I was given one today. As we try to/prepare to/hope to move to Oregon (when this house sells) I’ve had things on my mind that give me pause. I am estranged from my family. Â This has happened several times through out my life. I’m not sure this one will be …
Sometimes you just let someone else’s music speak for you. (Thank you Abney Park) Why do the things we love Torture us more than the things The things we can do without? I can’t do without The things that you do to me But why d’you do the …
When did we stop being able to disagree about things, ideas, beliefs and start being offended, angry, diminishing ? When did the way *I* see things become the only right way? Is this a tendency the internet made much much worse or something new? I guess people of a certain …
We are going through every single thing that has come into our possession, over the years of our daughter’s life, our married life and what we carried with us into that partnership. All along I’ve been pretty good at going through general things and tossing out what wasn’t working or …
I have had a hard time letting go of some of my daughter’s things from her baby and toddlerhood. I’ve kept so much –filed away school papers, accident reports from Montessori and Community PreSchool, little scribbles that look kind of like happy dust mites. It’s been so very hard to look …
Oh the mope. I am freaked about moving. So much to do and the house is so messy. And the mounds of things to do look insurmountable. I know the solution is just to keep moving forward a bit at a time. It’s been slowed by that flu turning into …
I wish I felt like I could say what I need to say. I’m working up to it. It has been an enlightening last year. And the next two are going to be even more interesting. Ransom notes keep falling out your mouth. Mid-sweet talk, newspaper word cut-outs. …
What you don’t know? There is *so* much you don’t know. It is all about the money. Every bit of this is about your money. How sad. How…ugly. And now you have engineered a repeat of what happened those many years ago, when you stood at that woman’s grave. It’s …
King of France. This is most strange, That she that even but now was your best object, The argument of your praise, balm of your age, Most best, most dearest, should in this trice of time {235} Commit a thing so monstrous to dismantle So many folds of favour. Sure …
“My eyes are damp from the words you left
Ringing in my head, when you broke my chest”
~~Youth by Daughter
And today she finally broke it into so many pieces it can’t be put back together again.
Things are getting better, truly they are. As Winston Churchill said: “If you are going through Hell, keep going.” I did and and do. And will. Some things are better. Â The change was necessary. This new change is necessary too. I would just like to stop being angry. I would …
Time has a way of wearing down, erasing, almost rearranging the self into something like but unlike. It seems you start this journey to adulthood thinking so many thoughts of who you will be, how you will be and when. Then life happens and those dreams, many of them are …
No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path. I  think that was the Buddha. To me it means We have to make the choices, we have to make the decisions on what we fix about our lives and when. I don’t want to change what …
Oh somewhere in me I had an epic goodbye 2013 post, you sucked. Can’t wait to see you leave..etc etc. But we have girls spending the night and I’ve been snoozing with cats on the couch, so my fur is just not up. I had a list of resolutions about …