Category: <span>Angst</span>

Where the senses fail us, reason must step in.Galileo Galilei

Kat Mcnally asks that we describe our year in terms of our five senses. Project Reverb wants to know what kept us anchored  Well…J and Em kept me anchored. They always do. They are the reason I wake up in the morning and why I kept trying to make a …

Our best successes often come after our greatest disappointments.Henry Ward Beecher

And Project Reverb asks about  Failure while Kat McNally and Rachel Maddox  wonder: Today, identify something muddy that kept recurring for you throughout 2013, and then ask yourself this: What’s the clear truth underneath this damn mud if I finally wash myself clean?   And they are of course related. I …

There are years that ask questions and years that answer.― Zora Neale Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God

Inspiration and Auto pilot. Two diametrically opposed forces. If you are inspired you certainly aren’t on autopilot. I find people who are strongly themselves inspiring. My friend Beth someone I’ve known for quite sometime, because her brother is one of my longest and dearest friendships…is now someone I care about quite …

We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey. – Kenji Miyazawa

So today Kat Mcnally’s prompt concerns grieving and Project Reverb asks about hindsight. Funny how these seem to be working together from the beginning—one influencing another, informing another, enhancing another. I am grieving the loss of time. Time given to dead ends. Time spent trying to mend the twisted and burned …

If you’re going through hell, keep going. Winston Churchill

So I can find two sites—the project reverb  site and Kat McNally’s site Could anyone tell me—is there an overarching site that collects all these prompts or are they ad hoc sites set up ? I guess I’m used to nablopomo and how that works, I think this is different. …

This wretched brain gave way, and I became a wreck at random driven, without one glimpse of reason or heaven. Thomas More

Ah where do I start, first…how about Hello. Yes I fell off the planet again. I do that here’s why. I’ve forgotten how to say things without censoring every other word. I can’t talk about politics because I’ll offend a friend. I can’t vent about certain parts of my life …

Children, dear and loving children, can alone console a woman for the loss of her beauty. Honore De Balzac

As I approach what is most certainly going to be bad news tomorrow, news I’ve been expecting, news I knew was coming, news that comes to every woman sooner or later. It was supposed to be later quite a few years later.  Also we were supposed to have a second …

Life is an onion and one peels it crying ~French Proverb

This year I’m doing something different. I’m not sure if it is because I “failed’ at #Octpowrimo. By failed I mean I had a choice between being able to do things with my family and keep track of my commitments (which I still didn’t manage all of them) deal with …

For in every adult there dwells the child that was, and in every child there lies the adult that will be.

― John Connolly, The Book of Lost Things Tonight my sweet little girl (who is not having the easiest start to the school year but better than last year), my darling child said: “Mommy, this might be kind of random, but I need to ask you something,” I said, “sure …

I’m so clever~~ Sunday Driver

Heroes inside our heads To stay alive we subdivide deeply down Big words what do they mean? The rule of love beneath, above in-between… I know what loving means So clever I’m so clever Don’t know what living means So clever I’m so clever I’m so clever Heroes they like …

Anyone who doesn’t take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either.~Albert Einstein

It’s been awhile. I go from talking every day to saying nearly nothing. Its been a rough few weeks for me. I’ve been ill, which hasn’t helped my general outlook. I’ve also been having a really difficult time determining where the truth is about some really important things. It’s very …

On wrongs swift vengeance waits. Alexander Pope

Prompt A: Talk about a time when you intervened. What prompted you? Did you regret it?   I have stepped in front of the swinging hand, the thrown punch. I have called for rescue as a child from drunkeness. I have threatened a firestorm of retribution on what was done …

There is a time for departure even when there’s no certain place to go. Tennessee Williams

Day 10: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 Prompt A: Talk about breaking someone else’s heart, or having your own heart broken. I had to leave. It was time. He was never going the direction I was going, though he tried. I was never going the direction he was going, though I tried. …