Category: <span>Nablopomo</span>

However long the night

the dawn will break (African proverb ?) It isn’t all darkness and woe. Yes there is so much and those of us who are heavily empathetic are having a difficult time with the fear, sorrow, anger , racism, and misogyny that some of us (like I am) are somewhat insulated …

Just so tired

I wish I had something uplifting to say.  I voted, there’s that. I’m fearful that in general the elections will be interfered with. I’m fearful our institutions, as screwed up as they are, will continue being corrupted and failing. I’m fearful that hate has risen so high it can’t be …

Are you sitting comfortably?

So in looking about for the signup for Nablopomo I found that the last year for it was either 2016 or 2017.  I started doing Nablopomo because NaNoWriMo looked impossible. In um…2006 when it was on Eden Kennedy’s blog. That was before it went to Blogher, which also is no …