Category: <span>Blogging Challenges</span>

You can’t be truly rude until you understand good manners. Rita Mae Brown

Could you please explain to me why it is ok for adults to act in ways they would punish their kids grandkids students   for?   Why is it not ok to talk over, to interrupt when someone else is talking unless YOU are doing the interrupting. Why is that …

In starlit nights I saw you So cruelly you kissed me Your lips a magic world Your sky all hung with jewels ~Echo and the Bunnymen

The prompt for the 17th, which is not today, but which I decided to do today, because I’m like that is: Make a list of everyone you’ve ever had a crush on in your life, then choose one from the list and describe him or her in great detail. (Guest …

The Things We Keep.

it’s funny the things we keep. The things we keep for ourselves, the things we keep for our children, or in our case child. The things we keep for each other. My mother kept my baby ring. What a funny thing to have.  I understand a baby cup, I guess …

“If I were to wish for anything, I should not wish for wealth and power, but for the passionate sense of potential — for the eye which, ever young and ardent, sees the possible. Pleasure disappoints; possibility never.” Kierkegaard

OH damn. Damn damn damn.  This is the wish. I wish I felt like I did during college or grad school, or perhaps even my first job, when I just knew I was marking time until it got good. And it did, get good that is.  I had some amazing …

Where words fail, music speaks ~ Hans Christian Anderson

The suggestion for today (or do I call it blog topic or writing prompt ) is what is  your secret or not so secret passion. Oh dear. You know what you have to hear about now don’t you? I’m so crazy about this thing, I’m temporarily changing my appearance for …

Opportunity is a favorable occasion for grasping a disappointment. Ambrose Bierce

I’m not looking forward to tomorrow. I don’t look forward to my days right now anyway, but tomorrow is going to be worse than usual. I have to tell my Bean, that though she practiced and practiced, that though she sounded great when I heard her (and that’s not just …

The electric things have their life too. Paltry as those lives are.~ Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep

From the time I was small I was fascinated by the ballerinas atop music boxes. I was sure that at night the small pink one would wake and dance her way across my room. I thought they met, somewhere secret with all the other small ballerinas and tiny walking toys …

What’s this? I don’t even

Right now, that is my favorite thing to say. I’m constantly shocked by well, everything. Which is strange considering my background. I’ve seen frightening things, dared myself to the edge of the roof, nearly thought I could fly a few times I am shocked by cruelty, when we were taught …