Category: <span>Blogging Challenges</span>

It’s not the thunder, it’s the wind

April Moon Day 6 One thing I won’t miss about Arkansas are the storms. I remember when we used to have rain, now it seems all we have are deluges. Thunder makes me jump, but strangely,although I run around the house unplugging all our computers (or ask J to do …

Music heard so deeply that it is not heard at all

April Moon Day 5 You are the Music, while the music lasts. My favorite Eliot quote. It is now the subtitle of my blog, but it used to be the title. I changed it because I felt myself growing older and stepping away from the dance floor.  The name of …

The end of the chapter but not the book

(April Moon 15, day 1)This is a particularly difficult time for me/for our family  right now. We have been packing and fixing and painting to move from our house of nearly 10 years. There are some personal things as well I’m just not fully able to talk about yet. This …