Category: <span>Blogging Challenges</span>


I hadn’t seen her since we were children. Almost 30 years. She’s gray now and a mom. I’m an unnatural red and a mom. There was the common ground we never had as kids. We are the same age and of course couldn’t be friends. Not with our parents dating …

The video that started it all

For me anyway. I remember staying up late and watching this. I was amazed–I’d never heard anything like this. In my small town you got southern fried rock, country, some horrid metal thing, folk or classical. I’m sure there were other things going on, but that’s all I heard in …


I DID post yesterday. Yesterday NIGHT as a matter of fact, it took hours to get the post together because of a sick kidlet. Somehow it got mangled last night during some what, system maintenence or something? I’m hoping this doesn’t take me out of the running. Because it WAS …

oh dear

I just realized I do politics like other people do sports. I’ve been watching different versions of the same press conferences and speeches. Flipping channels like a crazed hog fan. I’m all over the web reading various interpretations and predictions and staying up too late increasing the information overload. I …

It only gets scary when you get old

Just can’t turn on the election news. I’ve always been interested in politics and knew they were significant, but I haven’t been scared before. I was angry with Reagan and bothered with Bush senior. Now I’m angry and scared. When does it get scary? I guess when you figure out …

I can’t talk

That’s what it feels like. I note distinct differences in how people communicate in the various places I’ve lived. In San Francisco, everything was exagerrated, overstated and intense. It wasn’t just a “bad date,” it was a “horrific, mind numbing excursion into the underbelly of boredom.” It wasn’t a ” …