Category: <span>Blogging Challenges</span>

My voice letting go

IProject Reverb prompt: Letting go: For next year, I’m letting go of Anger and being taken advantage of. Walking on eggshells. I have started speaking up for myself, but didn’t reckon on just how that wasn’t going to go over well sometimes. But it isn’t. Actions have consequences however, and …

The Lightening Rod of Hindsight

Project Reverb prompt: “Do Over: Hindsight is the one thing we never benefit from in the present.  Is there one moment you wish that you could do-over?” Oh..this is , sadly apropos. I would do over something recent. I would wait longer to say everything I’ve said. I wasn’t wrong, but my …

In the place where you are

Project Reverb prompt: “What didn’t you do this year because you were too scared, afraid, unsure? Are you going to do it next year? Or maybe you don’t want to anymore?” This year has not been the year for that as much. I have actually jumped in with all four feet …

Beautiful Regret

The Goal is to be caught up by Sunday. Stay with me! Reverb14 Prompt: “What unfinished projects from 2014 are you willing to release now? (Regret not required.)” Our House. We have to move out of state and even though we will miss our ‘big red house’  as Em called it …

Begin at the very beginning and I’m going to try this again this year. I’m behind because this has been an absolutely horrid horrid week.  I’m not ready to talk about that yet. But… Where was I at the beginning of 2014? New into being employed doing something I really enjoy. New at …

I’m afraid the experiment was a failure

I don’t think I’ll catch up now. There was too much going on this month. A big birthday for our kiddo, J and I changing around everything we eat, me discovering once and for all I really do have a vicious problem with gluten/wheat , going ass over teakettle down …

Kismet, or playing chess with two Queens

Most gods throw dice, but Fate plays chess, and you don’t find out til too late that he’s been playing with two queens all along. Terry Pratchett Sometimes it feels that way. Even when it’s good. But then you don’t mind it so much. Some things are “truly meant to …

Hell is other people and Hope is the thing with feathers

Things are getting better, truly they are. As Winston Churchill said: “If you are going through Hell, keep going.” I did and and do. And will. Some things are better.  The change was necessary. This new change is necessary too. I would just like to stop being angry. I would …

Efface, to wear away

Time has a way of wearing down, erasing, almost rearranging the self into something like but unlike. It seems you start this journey to adulthood thinking so many thoughts of who you will be, how you will be and when. Then life happens and those dreams, many of them are …

Visible Soul of our house

I’m very tired, these last few days because of some significant changes I’m making in my life. My C, probably forever and always will be cats. Cats were my friends when I had none. Cats were my parents when my parents were not around. When I couldn’t live for me …

No one saves us but ourselves

No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path. I  think that was the Buddha. To me it means We have to make the choices, we have to make the decisions on what we fix about our lives and when. I don’t want to change what …

Between Grief and High Delight

The answer is obvious and the question not fully known. The path is clear and trapped with brambles. The cup filled with comfort and regret.   It seems like one decision after another keeps having to be made. And by that I mean by me. Me, making decisions. I’ve learned …

Fear is static that prevents me from hearing myself. Samuel Butler

From Kat McNally 2014 is going to be MY YEAR because…I am cutting off the crueltyIn 2014, I am going to do… what helps my family and me and stop doing what hurts us.In 2014, I am going to feel…like I am good enough and getting better.In 2014, I am …

There are many ways of going forward, but only one way of standing still. Franklin D. Roosevelt

Well I disappeared for awhile and fell off the Reverb wagon because—that time of year I think. Also family drama.  Kat McNally asks about the way forward  and Project Reverb wants to know about gratitude. Since I’m behind and back dating this. I’m going to be succinct. I am grateful …

Solitude gives birth to the original in us, to beauty unfamiliar and perilous–to poetry. ~Thomas Mann

Kat McNally’s prompt asks us to consider self-compassion: The Buddha said, “You, yourself, as much as anybody else in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” While Project Reverb asks if I was an introvert or extrovert this year. It really is interesting to me how I find connections between these …