Category: <span>Blogging Challenges</span>

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge. Thomas Carlyle

The other side of the Rainbow I won’t just hope or wait for the day when I can see your registry and change my mind three times over what present I want you both to keep from me for years. I won’t just hope or wait for the day when …

If you are lonely when you’re alone, you are in bad company. Jean-Paul Sartre

Night Sounds The entire house sighs. The day has ended for child, cats, husband is ending for me. But I hold on for a few minutes of no dishes clattering, no dryer bleating the call to hang up shirts no rattle of papers to read, initial here, agree to volunteer …

Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of overcoming it.~Helen Keller

It. being 8   It started before 8 and after 8 a.m and after 8 pm   and it went all day and it crushed my wings and broke my bones.   It kept me from sleep and sent me to bed unable to stand.   It left me outside …

Amble out from love ~Issa

“Arise from sleep, old cat,And with great yawns and stretchings…Amble out for love” ― Issa, Japanese Haiku: Two Hundred Twenty Examples of Seventeen-Syllable Poems From this article on writing Haiku:     I’ll try the first three, compare, contrast and association.     A misting rain falls Our child sleeping quietly Now …

The child supplies the power but the parents have to do the steering. Benjamin Spock

  The Day after the Day After Tomorrow   I wish I could always be the fur soft blanket, the cool pillow, the warmest cup of chocolate for you dear one. Not the grimacing harpy, the nagging ogress the shaking finger of homework and underwear not  in hamper.   But …

There’s not a boring page in my life story ~Aqua

  Dancing a Circle   Twilight is walking the cemetery with me on my heels as I try to stave off the rest my friends have taken.   Behind the well mannered trees where no one can see I dance, earphones playing songs I don’t admit and laugh.   I …

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. Albert Camus

Mountains of Leaves Under the leaves  Fired with red, breaking with yellow Dew makes the grass still green And as the trees lose more and more they Don’t all shatter underfoot, but slide Careful don’t fall.  He’ll go out soon, collecting the sodden And the crisp, the dastardy sweet gum balls …

Vociferously Vitriolic

Vociferous Vitriolic Vociferously Vitriolic=what current political discourse is. I have long been interested in politics. I worked on my first campaign when I was still in single digits–handing out flyers at the mall for Bill Clinton. I get unreasonably excited about the privilege of voting–so much so that our daughter …