Category: <span>Project Reverb</span>

A wild yet subtle concoction

Reverb 15 Day 9 what if you had to give someone a recipe for how to make a YOU?   1 Abounding love for a certain Bean 5 cups cats A library Loyalty Compassion A mother lion’s strength A survivor’s sorrow and joy A snow globe holding my childhood Love A …

Revisiting Letting Go

Day 21 Project Reverb prompt: “What did you get rid of this year?  Physical things you tossed out or donated?  Or did you purge a bad relationship, job, etc…?” I’ve let go of a couple of relationships this year. Ones that never did become what they needed to become. I held …

Somewhat Joyful Discoveries

Day 20 Project Reverb prompt: “What products have you discovered this year that you love?  Tell us all about them, and why you love them.” I really like the shirts from SighCo. J had a very Cthulhu Christmas. And these GreenForest baskets have been very cute for organizing. Other than …

Wrestling with Symbolism

Day 19 Project Reverb prompt: “What did you wrestle with in 2014?  What did you learn?  What challenges do you foresee in 2015?” I love how these keep circling back, as if to drive the point home. This is a way to recognize how not to repeat the same painful …

Don’t Feed Them After Midnight

Day 15 Project Reverb prompt: “What food did you discover this year? Or maybe you discovered a new way to prepare your favorite food. Or a new cookbook. Or a new restaurant. Tell us about your culinary adventures.” It’s been the year of kicking and screaming towards gluten free. I …

The Rooted Word

Project Reverb prompt: “What one word could describe your 2014?” My word for 2014:  I think it would be summed up as improve.  And I did and didn’t. I did do better about exercising until I was injured. I have improved the food we eat. I am coming to terms with …

Brave writings

Project Reverb prompt: “Chances are, if you’re participating in #reverb it’s because you like writing. Or at least want to like writing. Writing is like a muscle. Use it or lose it. What do you do every day to hone your craft? Or, what would you like to do each day …

Dear Future self

Project Reverb prompt: “Write a letter to your future self, telling the future you about what you hope for you.” Reverb14 prompt: “It all starts with kindness. Everything I have learnt, everyone I have interviewed, every word I have studied has guided me to this simple but profound conclusion: true happiness begins …

small pleasures , tiny rituals

Project Reverb prompt: “What small pleasures did you discover this year?” Very soft warm house slippers. Very soft warm plush blankets, covered in cats. That I have a child that still holds my hand and hugs me tight (though that is a great pleasure).  Finally noodling out how to do something …

Leaping into the holidays

Project Reverb prompt: “What decision did you make this year that was a leap of faith? Did it work out? Or not?” It is still in process. We made the decision to move from our home of 9 years across the country. Better for J’s job, better for E to have …