Category: <span>Current Events</span>


I love graveyards. Cemeteries. Boneyards. Cities of the Dead. They are quiet. There is a story for every stone or monument. You can visit for a conversation or just to be. I don’t think I want my body to be buried–though that has always interested me. If I could have, …

Not this or that, somewhere in between

Every time I think I’m going to give up with this long long long standing blog, I come back. This is a long one, hold on. Will it click this time, again? I don’t know. The last year and a half has been, well, large.  Purging a lot. A LOT. …

Political language… is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.~George Orwell

As I sit here with my daughter talking about her  Novi Stars dolls that she got for Christmas I get struck with a great sadness after some of the things I read this morning on Facebook. I hesitate to call the things I see anything like a ‘gun control debate’ …

Don’t look now, we’re everywhere

I started off this morning reading some urban fantasy on my kindle and then moved to  reading the debate going on between John Scalzi uber geek and  less uber geek Joe Peacock (who designs Fark, that I used to like– well the politics and Caturday threads, but don’t go anymore …

Neologism is the N of today

As someone who is fascinated with words and our ever changing language I not only adore the old (I’d rather use grucche for complain at certain times* it just seems better), but appreciate how the new sometimes gets its foot in the door. And after the foot, can force the …

Yes it’s this again

I have two weeks until Max Raabe in Dallas. I’m guessing nearly everyone is over hearing how crazed I am about he and his orchestra.       And This       Good god, I love them both. I love Nena. I always have. I have NEVER EVER listened …

What’s this? I don’t even

Right now, that is my favorite thing to say. I’m constantly shocked by well, everything. Which is strange considering my background. I’ve seen frightening things, dared myself to the edge of the roof, nearly thought I could fly a few times I am shocked by cruelty, when we were taught …

Heat or sun stroke? What’s the difference

So this summer, my husband got sun poisoning by being out on the lake, having the boat break down (he was with friends whose boat it was) and forgetting sunblock. What is sun poisoning? He was sick for over a week, developed blisters all along his arms that sweated something …

It’s easy to cry "bug" when the truth is that you’ve got a complex system and sometimes it takes a while to get all the components to co-exist peacefully. ~Doug Vargas

Well I have to weigh in.  I have great hopes for google +. The interface is cleaner, the privacy controls are MUCH better and while there are things to work out (that’s why it is a Beta folks!) it is relatively fully formed from the get go.  I understand why …

It was a typical net.exercise – a screaming mob pounding on a greasy spot on the pavement, where used to lie the carcass of a dead horse. ~Unknown

I’m not actually sure how the Non November Nablopomo works. Do I have to follow the theme of “Swim”, respond to the prompts as in Reverb 10 or can I still write whatever on those days I need to write whatever? Have you ever had one of those days where …

Protected: Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important. ~Bill Gates

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

Talking to hear your head rattle~C.H. Boyd

That’s a quote of my dad’s. I don’t have anything significant to say, that’s what I’m thinking right now, but I’m doing a “just write” what we do in education to get kids to well, just write. I got one kid to write this really cool bit about his dog …

These violent delights have violent ends. ~William Shakespeare

I am so deeply saddened by the attempted assassination of Gabrielle Giffords, the murder of her staff members, a federal judge and a nine year old girl. The little girl, just about Bean’s age was interested in politics. My mother used to take me to all sorts of political events …