Category: <span>Daily blather</span>

Pies and Possession

3 pies today and a demon possession. First the pie recipe. It’s good.. Maple Syrup Pecan Pie Ingredients: 1 crust (single) 3 eggs .5 cup light brown sugar, packed 1 cup maple syrup, pure 4 tablespoons butter, unsalted, melted 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 cups pecans, coarsely …

A little of this and more of that

It looks as if the supplements are working. So far. Does that mean we’re now ready to begin trying again? November is not a good month for that, just like June/July isn’t a good time. Too many memories. I wonder if those months will ever pass without me thinking about …

Food Glorious Food

In which our intrepid reporter discusses, Fangsgiving, the hotness of Tony Bourdain and whether or not RRay is the Antichrist: Fangsgiving sickness 2007 progresses. I’ve got a slight fever, stuffed up nose and a sore throat. I’m tired, tired, tired. I’ve take so much zinc I might have galvanized my …

The Blahs

I promised myself when I actively started working on my writer’s block (that’s what I’m using nablopomo for) that each night I would sit down and just write what popped into my head. That if it was long, and I do tend to be long winded, it would be long. …

Stick a fork in me

Did this time change mess everyone up more this time? It did us. I suppose the er, four illnesses didn’t help matters. But seriously, all we’ve wanted to do the last two weeks has been sleep, like immediately after dinner. It’s dark so suddenly at five now that it seems …

And another thing

Oh this has been another difficult day. There have been a number of them. They aren’t difficult in the great scheme of things or even in comparison to some of the stuff that’s happened this last year, but uncomfortable, like having a small case of poison ivy when you aren’t …

The day almost nothing happened.

So I guess it’s time to start typing and see what springs into my brain. If anything. I’ve had a sick beanlet–green green stinky diarrhea. I think it’s from the dye (or food coloring or?) used in a lollipop she had in Eureka (a frosting black cat on the front) …

There is no such thing as a stupid question?!

One of those days. I guess that actually having “one of those days” is a good indicator I’m engaging with the world again. But I would like to have missed certain parts of yesterday. First the bad, then the good. I called Hill’s Science Diet to talk with someone about …