Category: <span>Daily blather</span>

Good news

9 weeks today There was a yolk sack (sac?)and something in it. We’re going back MOnday to use the “good” ultrasound machine. They also made the appointment for my full prenatal visit with all the blood work, counseling and ‘financial’ discussion. I’m guessing if they want to talk money we’re …

oh the humanity

So today instead of cleaning the house or cooking I was going from the dentist to the bed to the doctor. The dentist says I need some gum surgury, next week if possible. Then I’ll need a new crown on the evil problem tooth, preferably later that week. Of course …


I had a nice long post and due to some freaking display issue with my laptop it kacked. I do not have it in me to rewrite it. I’ll try that tomorrow. For today I’ll leave a few droppings: 1. We did a fine job making huge piles of leaves …

It only gets scary when you get old

Just can’t turn on the election news. I’ve always been interested in politics and knew they were significant, but I haven’t been scared before. I was angry with Reagan and bothered with Bush senior. Now I’m angry and scared. When does it get scary? I guess when you figure out …