Category: <span>Daily blather</span>

Connected Heroes

Project Reverb prompt: “Who was your hero this year? Tell us why. What makes a hero in your eyes?” It hasn’t been an uplifting year. The closest I can get is Rachel Maddow and Elizabeth Warren. They speak up for students, for the disappearing middle class, for the disenfranchised and the …

Achievements unlocked: Selfie

Project Reverb prompt: “Victory Laps: What was your biggest accomplishment this year?” Oh, ouch. Well there was something, but that just came to a screeching, grinding halt filled with goo. So….  I learned a lot. A huge amount. I stuck with some things, possibly when I shouldn’t, but I did get …

Begin at the very beginning and I’m going to try this again this year. I’m behind because this has been an absolutely horrid horrid week.  I’m not ready to talk about that yet. But… Where was I at the beginning of 2014? New into being employed doing something I really enjoy. New at …

There’s got to be a pony in here somewhere!

From the old joke about two kids, one with a room full of the most amazing new toys and another with a room full of manure. The first kid is crying bitterly surrounded by a pile of  new gadgets and games…. Why are you crying?” the father asked. “Because my …

Today’s post brought to you by the letters E, M and O

Oh the mope. I am freaked about moving. So much to do and the house is so messy. And the mounds of things to do look insurmountable. I know the solution is just to keep moving forward a bit at a time. It’s been slowed by that flu turning into …

I know better now “Perfect World” Oh, London Moon, help me stumble home Let me lose myself along the way I’ve got nothing left, it’s kind of wonderful Cause there’s nothing they can take away… away The open doors left me wanting more Never thought they’d close them all the way The ordinary …

Hell is other people and Hope is the thing with feathers

Things are getting better, truly they are. As Winston Churchill said: “If you are going through Hell, keep going.” I did and and do. And will. Some things are better.  The change was necessary. This new change is necessary too. I would just like to stop being angry. I would …