Category: <span>Daily blather</span>


The thing is that there’s always an underlying tension. You’re only ever one wrong word away from it all going wrong. You can never relax. If you don’t give  the due respect or adoration, or if you disagree , or whatever tiny trigger sets  them off, then you get at …

Sweet Bartleby

Sweet Bartleby, a photo by jyllianm on Flickr. My ever present boyo. He follows me upstairs, he’s there when I’m sick. He comforts me and is my Siamese shadow. For a siamese guy he doesn’t talk much and he’s very different from the Siamese I’ve had before…but then all cats …

My Second Job

A while back I decided to learn html. A long while ago. I’ve built my websites myself for years until one day I paid a friend to do so because, well, because it was a good thing to do. And I’ve traded building my site for  things as well, because …

O, wind, if winter comes, can spring be far behind? ~Percy Bysshe Shelley

It has been a long winter.  A very long winter. There have been actual feet of snow. There have been too many inches of ice. Many missed days of school and work.  I think it is 11 or 12 now.  What you see in these pictures isn’t actually snow, it’s …

A woman? Is that meant to insult me?

  Oh I’ve been stewing on this for awhile.  I’m sick of being underestimated because I’m nice. Or because I’m quiet. Because I surely am the former but not so much the latter. Well If you know me. If you don’t or if I”m in a situation I’m not fully …

Haru sleeps

Haru sleeps, a photo by jyllianm on Flickr. Oh I’m trying this photo a day thing and I’m being moderately successful. You will see many pictures of cats and probably more food than I’ve ever photographed because 1) I am not a photographer, I just like taking pictures 2) Our …

Fear is static that prevents me from hearing myself. Samuel Butler

From Kat McNally 2014 is going to be MY YEAR because…I am cutting off the crueltyIn 2014, I am going to do… what helps my family and me and stop doing what hurts us.In 2014, I am going to feel…like I am good enough and getting better.In 2014, I am …

There are many ways of going forward, but only one way of standing still. Franklin D. Roosevelt

Well I disappeared for awhile and fell off the Reverb wagon because—that time of year I think. Also family drama.  Kat McNally asks about the way forward  and Project Reverb wants to know about gratitude. Since I’m behind and back dating this. I’m going to be succinct. I am grateful …

Perchance to Dream, Aye there’s the Rub

A Peace of Clothing. Sorry I couldn’t resist. Every year I wear out several black cardigans of varying weights. They are my armor, my uniform. I started wearing cardigans because I didn’t want to wear blazers. I wear blazers now, usually vintage men’s but still I go back to cardigans. I …