Category: <span>Daily blather</span>

The beginning of wisdom is the definition of terms.― Socrates

Word and Habit… What word can guide me through 2014. The word for 2013 seems to have been upheaval unfortunately. For 2014? Possibly steady. I like steady. I want to be steady in my work. Showing up, doing well. No conflict, no difficulty just turning out good product and helping …

Be sincere, Be brief, Be seated.― Franklin D. Roosevelt

So Project Reverb wants to know what I ate , while Kat McNally asks what was my best decision I’m afraid I have a bit of catching up to do, so this unlike my usual long winded entries, will be brief. Best Meal? Either the night our dinner group went to …

Our best successes often come after our greatest disappointments.Henry Ward Beecher

And Project Reverb asks about  Failure while Kat McNally and Rachel Maddox  wonder: Today, identify something muddy that kept recurring for you throughout 2013, and then ask yourself this: What’s the clear truth underneath this damn mud if I finally wash myself clean?   And they are of course related. I …

Nobody who says, ‘I told you so’ has ever been, or will ever be, a hero.― Ursula K. Le Guin

I suppose if you look at things from a more optimistic point of view, they turn out to be adventures, not terrifying hurtles down the side of an icy mountain on a trashcan lid at a high rate of speed right? I hope in the years to come that this …

We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be. ― May Sarton

Well then…I don’t take many selfies because I photograph quite badly. Always have. I never learned to gothgirl thing of posing for the camera. I think the back of my head might be my best side. There was a picture I liked of myself…it doesn’t just have me in it, …

Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. ~T. S. Eliot

For Project Reverb it is Challenge , while Kat McNally asks us about taking risks. Which again are so closely related. Because a challenge is a risk and a risk is a challenge.  Mostly. I’m a bit tired… Mr. man has been away all week on business and I’m in my …

We are healed from suffering only by experiencing it to the full. Marcel Proust

I guess my word for 2013 would be …tribulation? adversity? The prompt for this first day of Reverb13 is …Where did you start 2013? Wow. It’s pretty horrible, but then 2013 has been a pretty horrible year. I can say some things are better. Em’s  school is SO much better. …

Never apologize for showing feeling. When you do so you apologize for truth. Benjamin Disraeli

Whether the person knows you exist or not, whether your apology is significant to them or not-when you have done something wrong or spoken out of turn. Whether you hurt their feelings or they didn’t even notice… You should make what was wrong, right. By words then deeds after.  Even …

I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion. ~Jack Kerouac

I’ve done it again. I’ve done it repeatedly . I don’t know what to write about because what I would like to write about I can’t. It isn’t a good idea to write about work. It just isn’t. However much I wish I could have written about all the interesting …