Category: <span>Daily blather</span>

Psychopomps , your tour guide to the land of the dead.

Psychopomp is one of my favorite P words.  A psychopomp is a guide for souls, a sort of escort for the newly deceased. If you saw The Crow (and as a former card carrying goth, of course I did, several times) then you know both the Brandon Lee character and …

Obsequious, Purple and Clairvoyant

Only one of the best songs ever. It sent me running for the dictionary. I can’t hear the word obsequious  without following it in my head, under my breath always, always with purple and clairvoyant. I was a kid when Let’s get Small    came out and I think I fell …

A New Phobia for You: Kainotophobia is K

Kainotophobia~Fear of Change Kainolophobia~Fear of Novelty Kainophobia~ Fear of Anything New   Fear of Change. We like our habits. We like predictability. We like things the way they were, not the way they are now or how they could be. I get it. Change is hard. Personally, as someone who …

What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything? Vincent van Gogh

  A to Z Blogging Challenge Well here we go again. I am going to give another blogging challenge a try. Why? I failed the last one quite miserably. And the reverb/resound whatever the heck that was didn’t work very well either. I have always made it through Nablopomo though. …

There is only one pretty child in the world, and every mother has it. ~Chinese Proverb

Prompt B: What does your everyday look like? Describe the scene of your happiest moment of every day. I get up at 5. Hit the snooze button three times until Moshi says “the alarm has been stopped for today. I get dressed, sometimes I showered the night before. I wake …

"A poet is someone who stands outside in the rain hoping to be struck by lightening." James Dickey

oh dear god. It’s been too long again. Do I have good excuses, of course I do.  Some of them are quite silly. My desk where I do #wineparty and such isn’t comfortable. I have this amazing table  –well it’s beautiful, from my mom’s vast antique collection but it doesn’t …

Yes it’s this again

I have two weeks until Max Raabe in Dallas. I’m guessing nearly everyone is over hearing how crazed I am about he and his orchestra.       And This       Good god, I love them both. I love Nena. I always have. I have NEVER EVER listened …

Where is my mind ~ Way out in the water See it swimmin ~Pixies

Well, where is my mind. My mind is on leaving my current job and going to my next one. I can’t say that I’ve got my head in the #reverb11 #resound11 etc game. I wish I did. I wanted too. There are just so many places to visit to find …

it is yet another new beginning

I’m just going to start writing. I’m several days behind. I couldn’t write because what I wanted to write about I’d been asked not to write about. This intersection of work and the internet is a very interesting place. I mean I wasn’t specifically asked not to write in my …

oh I don’t know –Random Pinging with haiku

I’m just herping and derping around. I’ve messing with my blog plugins. Wondering if I need to change the theme, considering learning how to write a wordpress theme. Except I really like the Steampunk feel to it. I’m thinking about all the things I need to do around the house …