Category: <span>Everything old is new again</span>

Grown don’t mean nothing to a mother. ~Toni Morrison

Grown don’t mean nothing to a mother. A child is a child. They get bigger, older, but grown? What’s that suppose to mean? In my heart it don’t mean a thing. -Toni Morrison, Beloved Emily’s Valkyrie Hey my girl, My moppet, my colt, my brilliant amazing daughter I need you …

It was a dark and stormy nightmare ~ Neil Gaiman

Teeth I have to wake up My own voice is talking to the me in the mirror WAKE UP, as I stare at bloody teeth, falling away streaming barely held screams from a rotting mouth. This isn’t real but I feel hands on my face Turn and feel something holding …

I must take issue with the term ‘a mere child,’ for it has been my invariable experience that the company of a mere child is infinitely preferable to that of a mere adult. Fran Leibowitz

Day 2: Thursday, March 15, 2012 Prompt A: When did you realise you were a grown up? What did this mean for you? Shock to the system? Mourning of halcyon younger days? Or the embracing of the knowledge that you can do all the cool stuff adults do: drink wine, go …

"A poet is someone who stands outside in the rain hoping to be struck by lightening." James Dickey

oh dear god. It’s been too long again. Do I have good excuses, of course I do.  Some of them are quite silly. My desk where I do #wineparty and such isn’t comfortable. I have this amazing table  –well it’s beautiful, from my mom’s vast antique collection but it doesn’t …

Courage is fire, and bullying is smoke. Benjamin Disraeli

  This was a long day. Poor kidlet is/better be was– being bullied at school–it freaks me out that this could be the same song just years and years later. I think the schools are more aware of bullying than they were in my time. Also she has me and …

I was thinking of how you broke my heart

We took a walk.     The things you told me were like the things I told you.   But then that gift and truth for me were not the same not for you. Did you lie because of love or expediency?   What was your small lie lived forever …

In starlit nights I saw you So cruelly you kissed me Your lips a magic world Your sky all hung with jewels ~Echo and the Bunnymen

The prompt for the 17th, which is not today, but which I decided to do today, because I’m like that is: Make a list of everyone you’ve ever had a crush on in your life, then choose one from the list and describe him or her in great detail. (Guest …

What’s this? I don’t even

Right now, that is my favorite thing to say. I’m constantly shocked by well, everything. Which is strange considering my background. I’ve seen frightening things, dared myself to the edge of the roof, nearly thought I could fly a few times I am shocked by cruelty, when we were taught …

To Nablopomo or not to Nablopomo

I thought that while I was thinking about whether or not to join nablopmo this year—I’ve been doing it since the beginning—at least every November—I should get something up here just in case. On the pro side, I’ve done it every year and it does give a feeling of accomplishment. …

We think we’re pretty smart…

Oh I’m taking a break from the Halloween Countdown—and I’ve had to because it was yet another exhausting week at work. I hope THAT gets better soon. I can’t decide if  I love it or not. I know I don’t like office politics. But I love the work, I love …

Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend. Albert Camus

Well it is about birthday time. And about time for me to have the mopes. These are both reasonable and not. Why are they—well I had a  ….a childhood. So each year on my birthday I remember things you might see on a made for TV movie. And wonder just …

It’s a bit like trying to turn an ocean liner around. Or an elephant. Or an 18 wheeler. Like that.

I’m going to start moving my fingers. Moving my fingers and writing some words. I don’t know what I’m going to say, but I know I need a bit of catharsis. I’ll start with the yuck and move on. I do not know how to deal with this one person. …

You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me. C. S. Lewis

    So what is YOUR book. Or trilogy or series? Everyone has one. Well, the best people do. I started thinking about mine last night when I showed a teenaged boy I hold dear to my heart*my* book. For a lot of folks I know it was Tolkein. For …

You ARE the music while the Music Lasts

Well, I’m guessing it’s going to be another braindump Saturday. First things first. I got my tickets to see Max Raabe & Palast Orchester with Ben and Mike in Texas in February. I’ve never looked forward to Winter so much in my life. And a super really great email from …

"The time has come," the Walrus said, "To talk of many things: Of shoes–and ships–and sealing-wax– Of cabbages–and kings—~ Lewis Carroll

I can’t believe I’m putting this picture on the intarwebz considering how much of a freak out thing I have about seeing unsolicited feet, but… I bought some  bespoke shoes after years of looking at shoes/boots like these at various faires as a playtron and participant and after purchasing some …

Forward this, otherwise tomorrow morning your underwear will turn carnivorous~Billy Connolly

I hate chain letters. I hated them when they came through snail mail, back when I was a kid and I hated them when I’d get them on compuserve. I hated them back in the concentric days and I hate them now. Cannot believe people forward things that say “you’ll …

I cannot take any more; I’m so glad that I’ll never fit in; That will never be me; Outcasts and girls with ambition; That’s what I wanna see — Pink from the song Stupid Girls

So some of the crazy girl shit has started. One girl lies about something my daughter said (but she didn’t) to another girl and then they tell another and suddenly she’s ganged up on. Or instead of saying oops a girl blames the Bean for her mistake. And how about …