Category: <span>Everything old is new again</span>

Perpetuum Mobile

~redacted~Now on an entirely different note…I absolutely despise the movie Napoleon Dynamite. I think it is mean spirited. It’s yet another movie that makes fun of misfits. Being one, I feel strongly that that sort of cruelty should really stop in high school. I do like his dancing scene though …

“When you betray somebody else, you also betray yourself.” — Isaac Bashevis Singer

How long does it take to recover from a betrayal? I’ve had a few in my life. Some of them very early. One in my late 20s and several in the last 5 or 6 years. Other than the childhood ones, the last several have been among the worst. People …

That’s what to do

I like the idea of a wysiwyg life, but it isn’t entirely feasible anymore. I don’t want to let this corner of the web go though. I appreciate the dialogues I’ve developed with folks over the last few years. But I’m going for a major change. I’m scaling a mountain, …

Will you marry me?

Every year, at midnight of the 31st, J asks me to marry him again. And every year I say yes. This year he told me how lucky he was to have met me and I told him how wonderful he is. He’s proven that even more often in the last …

Food Glorious Food

In which our intrepid reporter discusses, Fangsgiving, the hotness of Tony Bourdain and whether or not RRay is the Antichrist: Fangsgiving sickness 2007 progresses. I’ve got a slight fever, stuffed up nose and a sore throat. I’m tired, tired, tired. I’ve take so much zinc I might have galvanized my …

Deja Vu

This is really quite unsettling. James has a migraine, as he did last year. The Bean is sick, as she was last year. I am threatening a cold. Just as last year. I host Fangsgiving, just as last year. A year ago, right around this time I got pregnant. Then …

Velvet and Denim

I’ll never understand how they do it. There’s a way they all kind of look. Their hair a certain set of styles. Their jeans a certain type–not too wide, not too low, not too tight. They don’t have ragged cuticles and probably get their nails done weekly. They have bodies …

Ether Friends

I’ve had a lot of feelings about the internet over the years. Excitement when I first got on in the mid 80s. A thrill that what I’d done on my Commodore 64 had turned into something that connected the entire world. The internet was utterly text based when I started …

The Soundtrack of Childhood

Not much of a thought tonight because the Bean has come down with a very sad stomach ache. The kind which makes what comes out of her very surprising and upsetting. The kind that requires two baths. I’ve been singing songs and rocking her then laying down with her and …

kibbles and bits

I am completely random today, why? Well I think we can be fairly sure we didn’t make a baby this month. I am reserving full judgement (and that beer that’s eyeing me over there) until tomorrow, but I’m 90% right. *sigh* We do want another child. Yes, we are 95% …

The video that started it all

For me anyway. I remember staying up late and watching this. I was amazed–I’d never heard anything like this. In my small town you got southern fried rock, country, some horrid metal thing, folk or classical. I’m sure there were other things going on, but that’s all I heard in …

At different times a hollow space: A vague story told in Soundtracks

A recent experience has caused me to contemplate the hollow space that must be within everyone but the most simple of us. Smaller at some times than others. More obvious at times and at times more painful. In your teens, the hollow space is that of identity. If you are …

At different times a hollow space: A vague story told in Soundtracks

At different times a hollow space: A vague story told in Soundtracks A recent experience has caused me to contemplate the hollow space that must be within everyone but the most simple of us. Smaller at some times than others. More obvious at times and at times more painful. In …

pendulum swing

Sometimes I don’t like being a libra. There’s an easy hook to hang this whole thing on, when it’s probably not the stars, just my personality. And growing pains. We’ve gone from near isolation to whirlwind. I’m really grateful and happy to be a part of things but I”m feeling …