Category: <span>marriage</span>

How about some Halloween

Well, I don’t think I ever posted any of this years pics. I’m out of words today. I got barked at at work (people really get peevish about computers –seriously peevish) and even though the situation was a case of more work than I have time for, and that I’m …

Because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are. ~Bertold Brecht

I’m going to start with the happy first. I don’t want to start with the sad or I’ll write two lines and stop. It’s been too long since I’ve been here! I’ve been writing in my private journal and writing papers. Lots of papers. I haven’t written papers, well since …

Will you marry me?

Every year, at midnight of the 31st, J asks me to marry him again. And every year I say yes. This year he told me how lucky he was to have met me and I told him how wonderful he is. He’s proven that even more often in the last …

oh Christmas

I hope in the new year I’ll be back to updating this more frequently. It isn’t like we’ve had a shortage of goings on. We’ve been very busy– parties, visits, visits from others, cookie making with my friend L (we’ve been friends pretty much for over 20 years, yow–the cookie …

“Adversity is the first path to truth.”

~Byron I think I’m about to hit the library again and pick up some Romantics. It’s time to revisit them and other Victorian writing. I disliked many of the Victorians in graduate school, which was rather heretical. I spent my time either with Chaucer or Shakespeare or in later ages …

kibbles and bits

I am completely random today, why? Well I think we can be fairly sure we didn’t make a baby this month. I am reserving full judgement (and that beer that’s eyeing me over there) until tomorrow, but I’m 90% right. *sigh* We do want another child. Yes, we are 95% …