Category: <span>family</span>

This used to be a mommy blog

And it still is because while I am many things–geek, reader, cat lover, wife–on the day the Bean was born, Mother became my chief identifier. I have always been independant. I’ve often gone my own way, usually uniquely attired. I didn’t just march to a different drummer, but a different …

10 Years

Dearest James– I had to wait a long time for you, I guess my whole life up to that point. I’m so lucky to be your wife. You are so kind to me, so loving. I thought I was done with the whole being in love thing when we met. …

1st Performance!

1st Performance! Originally uploaded by jyllianm I couldn’t believe how much her voice has improved just since the beginning of the year. I was a bit skeptical, but now I’m sold. She has greater control, better tone and knows not to slide her notes. She’s taking it very seriously. A …

Because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are. ~Bertold Brecht

I’m going to start with the happy first. I don’t want to start with the sad or I’ll write two lines and stop. It’s been too long since I’ve been here! I’ve been writing in my private journal and writing papers. Lots of papers. I haven’t written papers, well since …

The sun upon all things that grow, Falls in sleepy streams~Yeats

And it’s been another while. I’m not entirely sure why. Some of it is just life and a lot to do and keep track of. Some is just …well I hope it doesn’t mean I’ve lost the urge to write. I hope it simply means that this is a “…sea-change/Into …

Happy number 6

I can’t believe the Bean has been with us for six years. It seems like yesterday that she was my little round headed baby with the dandelion hair. Then my muddy toddler, into everything with both hands and a big giggle. My preschooler covered in paint and chocolate. But now …

There was never a child so lovely but his mother was glad to get him to sleep

~Ralph Waldo Emerson Lord what a day. The Family care committee put the food boxen together today. 11 families 2 big boxen of cans and dry foods and one giant bag of frozen foods of various types each. And each family got gifts for all their kids. It was cool. …

“Adversity is the first path to truth.”

~Byron I think I’m about to hit the library again and pick up some Romantics. It’s time to revisit them and other Victorian writing. I disliked many of the Victorians in graduate school, which was rather heretical. I spent my time either with Chaucer or Shakespeare or in later ages …