Category: <span>Fayetteville</span>

Testing Windows live writer

As much as I don’t want to get any more involved in microsoftlandia than I already am (yes yes I know, I’m an MCSE, but I see all the shortcomings… well Blogdesk doesn’t deal with tags so well and I’m trying to see if this will. J and I are …

“The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything. Oscar Wilde

Well here is the obligatory soul searching blog post. I’m waiting to post this until after my birthday so I don’t bum anyone out. Thank you for all the good wishes. They actually do mean a lot. You learn to count your worth in FB or LJ comments (JOKE) and …

If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.

~Thoreau (right?) Somehow I always want to attribute this to the Die Blechtrommel. I march to a very different drum. Part of this has to do with my past. It wasn’t easy and that is a considerable understatement. I hope, in the near future to be able to work with …

I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have. ~Thomas Jefferson

Starting over, starting over but with some skills. Starting over but with a LOT of skills. Starting over with even more information. I am looking forward to the next thing. I wish I had more to say today but I made the mistake of eating a milk based cheese sauce …

As flies to wanton boys, are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport

Once again I’ll thank you for the pokes and proddings to catch up, to write more. We’ve had an eventful last several weeks, both good and bad. The bad is that my stepfather has returned to the hospital then been moved back to the skilled nursing facility. He won’t be …

Announcing your plans is a good way to hear God laugh

(the quote’s from Deadwood, only one of the most beautifully written (and yes I mean that) works on television in recent memory. ) Well, let’s see..I’ve passed the first set of tests. I had to delay taking them since I was on jury duty and couldn’t get excused. Jury duty …