Category: <span>Fayetteville</span>


In the spirit of doing things that are good for me (and ultimately for the family) I found my walking park and have set aside an hour each day to do it. It feels indulgent but if I can convince myself it is ifor the good of everyone (my health …


Somehow, if you just keep clicking you come up with amazing pictures, which is why I LOVE digital cameras. We had the BEST time at Autumn fest on Saturday I have loads of pictures, but I’m preoccupied now. but there is this: She was just the most amazing Bean. I …

Quote of the Day

From James: “If you’d told me five or six years ago that I’d be living in Fayetteville Arkansas, liking it and sitting in a church basement singing kum ba yah, I would have asked you to have your head examined.” Hee. The kids are learning kum ba yah to sing …