Category: <span>House</span>

Almost but Never Babies

I have had a hard time letting go of some of my daughter’s things from her baby and toddlerhood. I’ve kept so much –filed away school papers, accident reports from Montessori and Community PreSchool, little scribbles that look kind of like happy dust mites. It’s been so very hard to look …

Two dangers constantly threaten the world: order and disorder. Paul Valery

  Everything in its Place I want a clean and orderly place to sit and think, or make a thing. I want an unstained and fur free couch to watch The Doctor or turn a page. I want an unmuddled and chaos free desk to sit and write  or play …

oh I don’t know –Random Pinging with haiku

I’m just herping and derping around. I’ve messing with my blog plugins. Wondering if I need to change the theme, considering learning how to write a wordpress theme. Except I really like the Steampunk feel to it. I’m thinking about all the things I need to do around the house …

Cleanliness is next to impossible!

  Better get this up there quick. Getting down to the wire because I/we’ve been cleaning and cooking all day. I swear that child walks around the house with jam on her hands and arms akimbo making a kids high streak around the entire house. Thank god for magic erasers. …

"There is nothing funny about Halloween. This sarcastic festival reflects, rather, an infernal demand for revenge by children on the adult world." –Jean Baudrillard

Hmmm maybe that’s why we love it so much. All that arrested development and stuff.  We don’t go in for the cutesy aspect, nope. But we haven’t gone fully as creepy as we want to because of the Bean’s age and her friends. They love coming over for Halloween and …

It’s a bit like trying to turn an ocean liner around. Or an elephant. Or an 18 wheeler. Like that.

I’m going to start moving my fingers. Moving my fingers and writing some words. I don’t know what I’m going to say, but I know I need a bit of catharsis. I’ll start with the yuck and move on. I do not know how to deal with this one person. …

Protected: My crown is in my heart, not in my head, Nor decked with diamonds and Indian stones, Nor to be seen; my crown is called contentment; A crown it is, that seldom kings enjoy ~William Shakespeare

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How about some Halloween

Well, I don’t think I ever posted any of this years pics. I’m out of words today. I got barked at at work (people really get peevish about computers –seriously peevish) and even though the situation was a case of more work than I have time for, and that I’m …

Quote of the Day

From James: “If you’d told me five or six years ago that I’d be living in Fayetteville Arkansas, liking it and sitting in a church basement singing kum ba yah, I would have asked you to have your head examined.” Hee. The kids are learning kum ba yah to sing …


We’re here, we’re halfway unpacked. Maybe later when I’ve had a chance to take a deep breath. Already took some clothes to the Red Cross and some $. Went by the Unitarian Fellowship today and got info for this Sunday. James is out with the Bean picking up some snacks. …