Category: <span>music</span>

I’m so clever~~ Sunday Driver

Heroes inside our heads To stay alive we subdivide deeply down Big words what do they mean? The rule of love beneath, above in-between… I know what loving means So clever I’m so clever Don’t know what living means So clever I’m so clever I’m so clever Heroes they like …

Yes it’s this again

I have two weeks until Max Raabe in Dallas. I’m guessing nearly everyone is over hearing how crazed I am about he and his orchestra.       And This       Good god, I love them both. I love Nena. I always have. I have NEVER EVER listened …

For that guy. Yeah

So I had an episode the other day or month. I’ve been meaning to blog again for awhile but the new jorb and the tension with proving myself all over again got in the way. Before that it was just coming down from the job I had before. I was …

Where words fail, music speaks ~ Hans Christian Anderson

The suggestion for today (or do I call it blog topic or writing prompt ) is what is  your secret or not so secret passion. Oh dear. You know what you have to hear about now don’t you? I’m so crazy about this thing, I’m temporarily changing my appearance for …

Music is moonlight in the gloomy night of life. Jean Paul

  And now for something (a little) different. Started thinking about Halloween music tonight. Because if I hear “The Monster Mash” one more damn time I’m going to find a cleaver and pay a visit to whatever sound system is playing it. Ahem. Really. I DESPISE that song. So what …

You ARE the music while the Music Lasts

Well, I’m guessing it’s going to be another braindump Saturday. First things first. I got my tickets to see Max Raabe & Palast Orchester with Ben and Mike in Texas in February. I’ve never looked forward to Winter so much in my life. And a super really great email from …

Only you beneath the moon or under the sun~Cole Porter

I’m not sure I can post anything even vaguely coherent tonight because…because…   Max Raabe und das Palast Orchester spielen in Austin Texas im Februar !!! And dammit we are going. We ARE going!!James is going to buy a suit  or maybe he should rent a tux?! and I’m going …

To Boldly Go….James Kirk

  Had to change the initial title, it sounded like he died. That can never happen! Today is the Shat’s 80th birthday. When I was well, 12 through oh. last week…I had a lifesize poster of Captain Kirk on my ceiling (and a standup of Spock in the corner. I …

it’s his voice, sing to me Max

Ich bin der Bogeyman. Ich bin die Furcht. Ich liebe dich. I don’t know it’s his voice it’s what he’s saying it’s the music it’s how he appears. I find myself driving. I find myself sitting alone. I am moved in a way I haven’t been since.. Vivaldi’s winter when …

From wonder into wonder existence opens. Lao Tzu

The reverb10 prompt asks what “you have done to cultivate wonder this year.”  I am going to give this a shot, but am feeling distinctly unwonderful. I also am confused by exactly how I’m supposed to get to interact with the other folks doing Reverb10, which is what drew me …

The video that started it all

For me anyway. I remember staying up late and watching this. I was amazed–I’d never heard anything like this. In my small town you got southern fried rock, country, some horrid metal thing, folk or classical. I’m sure there were other things going on, but that’s all I heard in …

oh dear

I just realized I do politics like other people do sports. I’ve been watching different versions of the same press conferences and speeches. Flipping channels like a crazed hog fan. I’m all over the web reading various interpretations and predictions and staying up too late increasing the information overload. I …