Category: <span>pregnancy</span>

and the descent

Last Ultrasound on Monday not good. The doctor screwed up in telling us things were good. And she was brusque and cold when we went back for the ultrasound that showed her mistake. Adding insult to injury. Tomorrow is another. We expect bad news. I’d be amazed at how much …

A little rain must fall

I didn’t get the numbers, I never do. I get rattled and forget to ask. I’ll ask on Monday. But they called back with some results from the hcg/progesterone blood tests . HCG is perfect. Progesterone is “a little low” Not “really low,” but I start supplementing today. Previously I’ve …

Good news

9 weeks today There was a yolk sack (sac?)and something in it. We’re going back MOnday to use the “good” ultrasound machine. They also made the appointment for my full prenatal visit with all the blood work, counseling and ‘financial’ discussion. I’m guessing if they want to talk money we’re …

kibbles and bits

I am completely random today, why? Well I think we can be fairly sure we didn’t make a baby this month. I am reserving full judgement (and that beer that’s eyeing me over there) until tomorrow, but I’m 90% right. *sigh* We do want another child. Yes, we are 95% …