Category: <span>Silly</span>

For that guy. Yeah

So I had an episode the other day or month. I’ve been meaning to blog again for awhile but the new jorb and the tension with proving myself all over again got in the way. Before that it was just coming down from the job I had before. I was …

"Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble." — Shakespeare

Actually finished this yesterday but we we SO tired from our weekend of cleaning and decorating that we all just fell over. Today we made our (probably) last trip to the Spirit Store until after Halloween. That makes um…four. They had a 25% of coupon so we scored a replacement …

So much of life, it seems to me, is determined by pure randomness.~Sidney Poitier

First random thing: I would like to like the show Eastwick because 1) the redhead witch was on Eureka a show I love 2)The actor who plays Darryl the Satan character was in this WONDERFUL PBS/Sundance show called Slings and Arrows. Which I LOVED. 3) I adore the other redhead …


Hey, anybody wondering what to get me for Christmas? You don’t have to gift wrap it 😉