The Building’s identity
Does this shit ever end? Do we just keep crossing the identity bridge over and over-adjusting and readjusting, putting on and taking off all the hats?
Does this shit ever end? Do we just keep crossing the identity bridge over and over-adjusting and readjusting, putting on and taking off all the hats?
I know the way to be a writer is to write. I’ve told that to students. I used to write every day. Somewhere along the line, survival took over. I was working full time and going to school full time. I lived in a tiny apartment in a kinda bad …
nothing much else to say. Playing with Google+, tweaking settings on my blog. Looking forward to having friends over for a cookout tomorrow. I did figure out that one goal for the next year is to live more and be consumed with work a bit less. More balance. I can’t …
I’m not going to look at the gaps over the last month or so. I keep saying it but it has been a rough year. What are the most important things to you about your job? Is it your pay? Respect? Perks? That what you do matters? I’m having …