Walking Slowly Forward
I don’t know why I can’t do things I enjoy. They have to have a purpose (like putting things away–I enjoy that AND it achieves something necessary). Not just BE the purpose.
I don’t know why I can’t do things I enjoy. They have to have a purpose (like putting things away–I enjoy that AND it achieves something necessary). Not just BE the purpose.
I know the way to be a writer is to write. I’ve told that to students. I used to write every day. Somewhere along the line, survival took over. I was working full time and going to school full time. I lived in a tiny apartment in a kinda bad …
For the first time in a long time, I had to delete a comment from one of my online spaces. I thought about it and wondered if I was being ‘too sensitive.’ * Is being too sensitive an actual thing? Or is this just yet another dismissive characterization for the …
The Winter Solstice is one of my most thoughtful times. I suppose because I spent so much time with darkness. That sounds terribly dramatic–and it was until I found a way to live with it.
I’ve done it again. I’ve done it repeatedly . I don’t know what to write about because what I would like to write about I can’t. It isn’t a good idea to write about work. It just isn’t. However much I wish I could have written about all the interesting …
Well here’s the thing, not only trying to climb back on the blogging horse, but on the good eating and exercise horse. A little background: I popped my (previously dislocated and nearly a year of recuperation involving boots and crutches and canes)ankle out in December and had to stop …
Everything in its Place I want a clean and orderly place to sit and think, or make a thing. I want an unstained and fur free couch to watch The Doctor or turn a page. I want an unmuddled and chaos free desk to sit and write or play …
Grown don’t mean nothing to a mother. A child is a child. They get bigger, older, but grown? What’s that suppose to mean? In my heart it don’t mean a thing. -Toni Morrison, Beloved Emily’s Valkyrie Hey my girl, My moppet, my colt, my brilliant amazing daughter I need you …
Teeth I have to wake up My own voice is talking to the me in the mirror WAKE UP, as I stare at bloody teeth, falling away streaming barely held screams from a rotting mouth. This isn’t real but I feel hands on my face Turn and feel something holding …
 Halloween coming The darkness falls now Still not soon enough I love Halloween It is the only night ever We are not that strange The veil is drawn taut I feel them near to me now Lost family, friends Well there’s some Halloween Haiku for you. I’ve got a …
It isn’t You. I want to be left alone. No sound but my own breath, No touch but my own hands holding the sides of my vibrating head. I don’t want to speak, to reassure or sympathize or solve. I don’t want to move to fold, sweep or rearrange. I …
The other side of the Rainbow I won’t just hope or wait for the day when I can see your registry and change my mind three times over what present I want you both to keep from me for years. I won’t just hope or wait for the day when …
I generally don’t go for many forms of poetry other than the haiku. I was forced to write Sonnets way back, and a sestina oh and and an ode…that list could go on and on. And I found out it made me angry. I love READING those things, reading nearly …
Night Sounds The entire house sighs. The day has ended for child, cats, husband is ending for me. But I hold on for a few minutes of no dishes clattering, no dryer bleating the call to hang up shirts no rattle of papers to read, initial here, agree to volunteer …
It. being 8  It started before 8 and after 8 a.m and after 8 pm  and it went all day and it crushed my wings and broke my bones.  It kept me from sleep and sent me to bed unable to stand.  It left me outside …
“Arise from sleep, old cat,And with great yawns and stretchings…Amble out for loveâ€Â ― Issa, Japanese Haiku: Two Hundred Twenty Examples of Seventeen-Syllable Poems From this article on writing Haiku: http://www.ahapoetry.com/haiartjr.htm   I’ll try the first three, compare, contrast and association.   A misting rain falls Our child sleeping quietly Now …
 The Day after the Day After Tomorrow  I wish I could always be the fur soft blanket, the cool pillow, the warmest cup of chocolate for you dear one. Not the grimacing harpy, the nagging ogress the shaking finger of homework and underwear not in hamper.  But …