Ok, this is going to be just a bit silly. I had an exceedingly difficult day and then came home and did too many chores.
So while I was perusing my list of interesting words I figured something out about E. E reminds me of Halloween and horror movies.
Why? Here’s why! Check out THESE E words (ok don’t read them all just pick a couple, but scroll down for the payoff, c’mon you know you want to!)
I really enjoy Erythrochroism–I like to think I have an excessive or pathological redness of the hair.  There’s lots in E about death, bursting forth, drying up organs, flesh and blood. With a well chosen E word you might evanish after you exsanguinated. You might do that after you were evicerated or your eyes were evulsed, or if you visited a particularly evil dentist who practiced exodontia. I hope if that were the case you might receive an eldritch eloge  from an erythrophobic ecdysiast enamoured of emonomancy or emetology. Could happen, or at least it could in MY world.
woo hoo!!!!!!
scary ‘E’ words! im going to copy the list and save it! LOVE IT