Ever have one of those days?

Ever have one of those days?

I seem to be having a lot of them lately.

I can’t tell if it is because I haven’t hit my stride with work this year –just never have. I seem to get no breathing room to think, just go from one emergency to the next.

I know I’m doing a good job, I just can’t seem to get out from behind the eightball–there’s always a lot more to do.


Or if it is because I haven’t been able to exercise for a long time. I’m going to try and start again tomorrow. I hope it is light early enough. I only have time at O’dark thirty in the morning. And hopefully this weekend the weights will be ready to use.

I’m still feeling the last bit of the flu. Still tired, still coughing. But I am determined to figure out how to lose some weight and get healthy. I think my metabolism is too slow for this to be easy, but it has to happen–somehow. I need to stop with the snacking…and waiting until I’m starving to eat and then getting something fast. It was easier to do that when I wasn’t working.


Oh well.

Very sleepy and made it another day.