Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. Thoreau

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. Thoreau

Has it really been that long since I’ve written anything? Well not really. I wrote beaucoup papers for my class this last semester. Actually I probably, no most assuredly, wrote above and beyond what was required because that’s just how I do things (I refuse to insert “how I roll” because that will make me look an ass, er oops). So perhaps most of my words went in that direction. If you consider that my last paper needed to be about 5 pages and ended up being 15 with visual aids, well then you see why I’ve been quiet here.

Ok, odd ITunes shuffle moment:: Emily Wells, Dresden Dolls, Guster, then the Cox Family, Richard Yeoman Clark:Waltz Antipahy? The jury is still out for me on Guster though I do love Carol of the Meows (how shocking).

Got completely sidetracked there danceing with Em to Paul Simon’s Graceland. It’s nice that I can listen to that album. love that album even if it was (and sort of still is) associated with my ex husband. I haven’t yet been able to listen to Loreena McKennit (associated with Rick)

And then again sidetracked by a friend’s trauma. Being accused of things he didn’t do, perhaps only because he was gay.

I had other things to write. About following my dreams, about finally finding the strength to pursue what I was told was not a worthwhile calling.

Yet, yet… life gets in the way. That music, that dancing with my kid, that conversation with a friend.

Well I studied a lot for that test, even though I think my Master’s degree should preclude that. That FOUR POINT in my master’s. Yeah I can’t be a teacher with just that. I get taking theory and teaching practicums but REALLY are you saying that my master’s degree isn’t good enough to teach high school? WTF? Well everyone has to take those tests. I could have lots to say about those tests but perhaps not right right now. I think though they might be excluding many gifted educators.

oops another friend conversation got in the way Ah that is life. I have taken tests. I have studied to distraction. I have lived in times not my own, though I wish they could be. And then I have spat them out on a mulitple question form. Why my Master’s degree is not good enough escapes me, but I wish to help us go forward as a species so I must color in the dots. YES I think what we read and how we read it is significant in how we progress as a species and I will teach with this feeling in my back pocket.

And John Barrowman–with Torchwood and his lovely music.