I is merely one of the world’s instantaneous spasms.― Clarice Lispector, Passion according to G.H.

I is merely one of the world’s instantaneous spasms.― Clarice Lispector, Passion according to G.H.


I am the Bean’s mom. I remember when that wouldn’t have been first, but I am happy it is now. She’s the best thing I’ve ever done and I feel lucky every day that out of all the pregnancies we lost, she stuck it out and made our lives more fun, more full and definitely more worth living.

I am married to J and have been for over 11 years. Which impresses the heck out of both of us. It sounds terribly cheesy to say he’s my best friend, but let me pass you the crackers, cause that’s what you are getting. He’s kind and patient–oh so patient. I’ve never known anyone who was more willing to let me be who I am (more even than I am myself!) even when that means taking some weird paths.

I am a crazy cat lady. Cats who need extra help seem to find me/us and we are rewarded with exceptional cats because we are willing to deal with oh an Aby with IBS or a fluffy small Halloween cat who is allergic to most of the things he wants to eat. Or a siamese that won’t talk. Or a Giant Maine Coon who drops his purse when he manages a wee tiny meow. Or a genteel bully of a spotted girl cat.

I’m a geek. I love fixing things and tinkering. If it has to do with a computer I’m going to want to take it apart or put it back together. I used to be way more skilled at programming than I am now. Or something like that. I hope I get back to that in awhile.

I never quit learning. Seriously. I went back to school and half half a Masters in teaching. While that was a wrong turn it was certainly interesting and I was able to lay a “what if” to rest. I thought I’d always wanted to be a teacher. And I did–but like teaching was back before all the garbage (No child left behind) took over. I could go on and on about that, but maybe another time. I’m thinking of going back in computer science. I already have one Master’s degree in Medieval Lit and theory. And not to long ago I taught myself (with help) all the math I should have learned (but had crappy teachers–except for Ms. Pharr) in high school. Because.

I am a reader. Our house is decorated in books. My kindle is one of my most prized possessions .  When the world is too much with me I can go live in a book and often do. Right now I’m reading The Wool Omnibus which I stumbled on and is brilliant. It is also self published.

I’m a music lover. I just recently got to see Max Raabe und Palast Orchester a group I only found out about a year ago. I became obsessed and happily so. And what a stroke of luck they played in Dallas–a drivable trip. I love finding new music and I love spending a walk through the cemetery or afternoon in the park listening to the Goth or new wave music of my troubled youth.

My favorite way to spend time is in my bed with the Bean, reading. listening to music while we do and surrounded by our cats. With Mr. J checking in from playing Star Wars The Old Republic every so often. And maybe ice cream


Did I mention cats?



One comment

  1. aduronia

    i love this introduction and i ALSO love the “well then pass the crackers” – that is genius, and i will be stealing it. thank you for sharing yourself with us! 

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