I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.~Ghandi

I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.~Ghandi

It had to happen. Some kid told our kid she was going to hell tonight.

I’m so angry I”m shaking.

First, the program gets changed into a pentacostal church revival meeting.

Edited to add–It turns out that –the University Children’s Choir participated in someone else’s program. This guy turned the program into a pentacostal revival meeting. I’m relieved to know that The Bean’s choir director had NOTHING to do with that and that she kept the kids separate from all that going on out front.

As uncomfortable as all that witnessing was for J and I, we’re adults and can handle it. Thank whatever that
Bean didn’t have to deal with it. And that she didn’t have to pray before the concert.

Turns out there are other kids of alternative faiths and philosophies so they are and will be sensitive to that.

I’m fine with the music. I understand that musical history has much of the religious in it. I enjoy spirituals.

I do not enjoy being witnessed to. I do not enjoy participating in someone else’s religious service just to hear my daughter’s choir sing.

Most of the kids who were the cruelest to me growing up called themselves Christians and waved their hands in the air and praised Jesus.

Looks like nothing has changed. My poor Bean. Once we found her, crying her eyes out–we held her and told her hell was imaginary–something made up to scare little children. We also told her she wasn’t bad or wrong.


I’ve met some people who are good and Christian. They had started to move my heart but now…Why, why do people use their religions to hurt others?

I am forced to wonder–if you want to turn people to following Christ, is the way to do it by making them feel bad or scared, or is it by being a good example? Is hellfire more important to you than love and faith?

I’m too angry to be coherent. It had to happen, but I hate that it did.

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