I will not quote Yoda.

I will not quote Yoda.

December 18 – Try

What do you want to try next year? Is there something you wanted to try in 2010? What happened when you did / didn’t go for it?

(Author: Kaileen Elise)


Wait, didn’t we do this already? The 11 things or the Action post?

No matter…

Next year I want to skate again. I used to skate competitively. This may be a pipe dream considering I may not walk normally again. I was born 10 years too late for roller derby! Ok, maybe more than 10.

I will not rehash all the things I tried for in 2010 and didn’t achieve. I am not a certified teacher, but that’s ok. I didn’t make it to San Francisco to see my long lost friends, but we made it to Disney World for the last year the princesses will all be in the Magic Kingdom (just found that out, so it was fortuitous). Then there was ////redacted///

I did try for a job I tried for once before and this time I got it.

I did try to offer my services to help out more folks and it worked in some instances.

I learned new things, lots of them.


I hate macs and I’m learning all sorts of crap about them. See…you see something, you jump it and do it. What’s the worst that can happen?


I wish I’d been able to work out more. I got fluffy when I didn’t go for that.

I think maybe I’m not getting this prompt. I try LOTS of things. I learned a long time ago that the fear is worse than the embarrassment if you fail. The regret is worse than trying and falling. If you quit trying new things you might as well curl up and die.


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